Soak Up the Benefits of Saratoga Mineral Baths
Discover the allure of the mineral baths in Saratoga Springs, NY, which have long been celebrated for their amazing healing qualities and health-enhancing minerals. If you're interested in knowing more about them, or even bathing in one, then check out a brief history of the mineral baths below and plan your trip.

What Are Saratoga Mineral Baths?
The bubbling mineral springs of Saratoga put forth cold, carbonated water from deep within the earth. Bathing in these effervescent waters is a natural way to relieve stress, relax, and refresh the body. The benefits of the mineral water were well known to the Native Americans who originally lived in the region, as they believed the water had healing and medicinal properties, and highly revered it.
After settlers in the area discovered it, bathing in the waters of the Spa City was purported to cure everything from skin diseases to gout and constipation. The allure of the mineral springs was inspiration for entrepreneurs to carve resorts and spas out of wilderness, inviting the company of the well-to-do, and creating an elegant destination location for those seeking health and wellness.
The popularity of the mineral baths of Saratoga continued to grow throughout the 19th century. Patients were commonly referred to the baths by their physicians for a variety of conditions, with heart patients in particular highly recommended for "taking the cure".

What Is It Like to Bathe in These Waters?
Today, you can luxuriate in a mineral bath just like the rich and famous did at the turn of the century. As you lower yourself into a deep porcelain tub filled with emerald-green bath water, you immediately begin to relax.
Heated just to body temperature, the bubbles tingle and begin to collect all over your skin. You feel a sensation of warmth, lightness, and relaxation that soothes you, and experience a feeling of well-being that remains long after you've come out of the bath.
For hundreds of years, residents and visitors to Saratoga Springs have enjoyed the soothing and relaxing mineral bath treatments, and so can you. Plan a trip to the mineral baths at Roosevelt Baths & Spa in Saratoga Spa State Park and soak up the benefits.
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