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Saratoga Beer Bourbon Scotch 2010 Invitational

August 19 - 21 , 2010

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The First Annual Saratoga Beer Bourbon Scotch 2010 Invitational - Saratoga NYSARATOGA SPRINGS NY -A tasting event for consumers and award ceremony for brewers! The Saratoga Beer Bourbon Scotch 2010 Invitational will be a weekend long event that will take place at the Saratoga City Center and connecting Saratoga Hilton Hotel.

Where? Saratoga City Center and the Saratoga Hilton, Saratoga Springs, New York

When? August 19-21, 2010

What? Sample craft brews and fine scotch and whisky from many local, regional, and national breweries, enjoy live music and much more!

Cost? $65-$75 standard pass, one session, $115 -$125 gold pass,both sessions, $180 platinum pass, both sessions, $400 titanium pass, both sessions and $35 for designated driver, one session. Get full descriptions and more ticket information here or go ahead and get your tickets here!

The Saratiga Invitational will kick off with an Industry Only Cocktail Mixer on August 19th. On August 20 & 21 the festival will be in full gear. Each day will include two sessions - both a day and an evening session. Take your pick, or better yet, attend both!

Each session will include over 48 local, regional, and national breweries and distilleries. There will be live music, pig roasts, silent auction, classes and seminars for those serious beer and whisky students. There will also be themed lounge areas, including a Full Throttle Magazine Motorcycle themed lounge with custom bikes on display.

There will also be a cigar experience. If you can appreciate a great cigar, you will love this. The display will feature over 15 brands of boutique cigars.

Some of Saratoga's finest local food will be available at food stations located throughout the event space. Featured food exhibitors include:

  • The Olde Bryan Inn
  • Beverlys
  • Spring Street Deli
  • D'Andrea's Rory Pizza
  • The Factory Eatery
  • The Parting Glass
  • The Saratoga Hilton
  • Le Canard Enchaine

Chefs will be on hand to suggest the perfect brew or drink to compliment your meal.

The event will encompass at least 35,000 feet of space including both indoor and outdoor areas. Tickets range from $65 to $400 and include a designated driver's option. The Saratoga Beer Bourbon Scotch Invitational is an event you will not want to miss!

*Please note: No one under 21 will be admitted to this event. Valid ID will be required

Details on Schedule of Events:

Thursday August 19, 2010

Industry Only Cocktail Mixer TBA

Friday August 20, 2010

Session I
11:00 am:: Pre-Event Lounge
11:45 am - 4:30 pm:: VIP Gold, Platinum, Titanium Pass
12:30 am - 4:30 pm:: Standard Pass
12 pm - 2pm:: TBA
2 pm - 4pm:: Murali Coryell:: at the Saratoga Hilton
Session II
Pre-Event Lounge Open
5:45 pm -10:30 pm:: VIP Gold, Platinum, Titanium Pass
6:30 pm - 10:30 pm:: Standard Pass
4pm - 6pm:: Scott Holt:: at the Saratoga Hilton
6pm - 8pm:: Eddie Turner:: at the Saratoga Hilton

Saturday August 21, 2010

Session III
11:00 am:: Pre-Event Lounge
11:45am - 4:30 pm:: VIP Gold, Platinum, Titanium Pass
12:30 pm - 4:30pm:: Standard Pass
12pm - 2pm:: Smokin Aces:: Saratoga Hilton
2pm - 4pm:: TBA
Session IV
Pre-Event Lounge Open
5:45 pm -10:30 pm:: VIP Gold, Platinum, Titanium Pass (Platinum, Titanium Lounge until 10:45PM)
6:30 pm - 10:30 pm:: Standard Pass

All Sessions will have:

  • Pig Roast:: 12:00 pm to 9:00 pm
  • Cigar Experience:: 11:00 am to 9:00 pm
  • Merchandise Store:: 11:00 am to11:00 pm
  • Classes/Seminars

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