I just found a brochure for this year’s Park Fest and it looks like it’s going to be a good time.
*FREE CONCERTS by Soul Session, Zucchini Brothers and the Tequila Mockingbirds.
EXOTIC ANIMALS to be featured including red fox, baboon, large red tailed boa and others in an petting zoo.
*ICE CREAM EATING CONTEST sponsored by Ben and Jerry’s for ages 5-8, 9-12 and 13 & up. Prizes and ribbons for the winners.
*CLASSIC CAR SHOW with trophies and prizes.
*PIG RACES — Tons of fun watching piggies run around a track, snorting and squealing. (5 shows)
*CRAFT FAIR–Lots of handmade and homemade items from jewelry to food.
* BLUEBERRY PIE CONTEST– Bake a great pie? Enter to win the Blueberry Pie contest. The first 10 pies entered in each age group will be used for judging.
*1K & 5K RUN– The 1K will be held at 11 am for runner ages 6-13 and the 5K will be at noon for ages 14 and up. The first three finishers in each category will be awarded prizes.
And to top it all off there will be fireworks at dusk!
This is just a sampling of some of the the fun that will be at Park Fest.
Park Fest will be held on July 9th at Gavin Park on Jones Rd. And it’s free admission.
Hope to see you there!!