This might sound just a little bit silly but I've been tweeting with the Fabulous Beekman Boys. Don't know who they are? They are two city boys who moved to Upstate NY to start a goat farm and they have...
Horses Health and History Part 1

I understand that many, many people come to Saratoga Springs for the horse racing. I'm not so naive that I don't realize that it's a big, big draw for the area. I've been here for over 4 years and I...
Hyde and Seek: A Visit to the Hyde Collection
Between Saratoga Springs and Lake George is a small town called Glens Falls. The main street is lined with shops, restaurants, the public library, banks, churches and hotels, everything you would need for a good life. But east of downtown...
What are Your Weekend Plans?
Looking for something to do this weekend? Lake George has lots of things happening this weekend among them is the Thurman Townwide Yard Sale that will have over 100 yard sales. Maps can be picked up at the Thurman Town...
Buy Local-Eat Fresh- Saratoga Farmers’ Market

Saturday was a Spring day like most-- sunny then cloudy, then sprinkles that turn into showers. The sidewalk in front of the Saratoga Farmers' Market was filled with people on foot, pushing strollers and even on bikes. Opening day...
A Perfect Day for a Hot Air Balloon Flight

Here we go!! The video is uploaded so on with the post.... I'm not a very adventurous person. I like to keep grounded. I like to keep both feet on the ground and my head out of the clouds. I...
A Question for You
While I impatiently wait for my video to upload to You Tube for my next blog post, I thought I would pose a question..... If you were coming to the area what are some things that you would like to...