I enjoyed a wonderful afternoon of horse-racing excitement this weekend at the Saratoga Casino and raceway.The skies were just a little bit overcast, this allows for excellent soft and even lighting.I'm not much of a gambler, but I love to...
Rainy Weather at the Harness Track

In May of 2011, I visited the harness tack at the Saratoga Casino and Raceway. I was hoping the rain would hold off a bit, but as I pulled into the parking lot it was apparent that I would have...
Saratoga Polo

Toward the end of the summer I went with my wife a couple friends from NYC to watch a match at the Saratoga Polo Association. What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Good food, good friends, and LOTS...
The New Cowboys-Part I

When I moved to Saratoga Springs ten years ago, riding a horse probably wouldn't have cracked the top 20 items on my bucket list (if I actually had such a thing).a little trail ride at win$um ranchNow 10 years later,...
Official Portraits

As a new contributor to the Saratoga Snapshots Blog I thought I should introduce myself.that's me on the left and mr. peabody on the right I've been an architectural photographer for 25 or so years, making a living photographing...