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By Susan Elise Campbell
Retirement plan holders went on a historic roller coaster ride this past year, but to their credit they held on tight, said local investment professionals.
“Fortunately no one panicked in March,” said Mark Wells, CFP, co-founder of Three Buckets Wealth Management serving clients out of Fort Covington and Glens Falls.“In all aspects of life, when things are up in the air it’s easier to act irrationally.”
Uncertainty is what no one wants, said Wells.
The Three Buckets formula is to determine guaranteed income sources such as Social Security and pension, then calculate the gap between that amount and what the client wants to live on in their retired years, he said.
With a comprehensive plan and short, intermediate and long-term investment buckets in place, Wells said “clients understood how unexpected market swings can affect their overall goals and therefore did not act emotionally” when COVID-19 drove down the stock market.
“Who could know how the pandemic would play out?” said Conor Boyd, managing partner of Thoroughbred Advisors, which has a Queensbury office. “But we were prepared by being positioned in such a way that we could take advantage of opportunities.”
Boyd highlighted the need for a strong liquidity position in any portfolio, through cash equivalents and a guaranteed portion, which is traditionally fulfilled by insurance products.