By Paul Post
Chemical applications have eliminated Eurasian watermilfoil in problem areas of Saratoga Lake, saving considerable money and providing better recreational conditions for boating, swimming, fishing and paddle sports, which contribute to the local economy.
“Milfoil rapidly takes over a lake,” said Cristina Connolly, Saratoga Lake Protection and Improvement District executive director-administrator. “Years back this lake was pretty much all milfoil. It was so bad you could almost walk across the lake. It out-competes the native plant species and native wildlife and their habitat.”
But in 2020 and 2021, the district hired a private firm to treat the worst sites (54 and 32 acres, respectively) with a chemical called ProcellaCOR, which has been used in hundreds of lakes throughout the country since the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approved its use in 2017.