A woman goes through fresh produce selections at the Saratoga Farmers Market, during the warm weather period, but the group is looking for a new home in winter Saratoga Farmers' Market Association has issued a Request For Proposals as...
Equine Law Deals With Owners, Agents Jockeys, Breeders, Stable Hands, And More
Jockeys, like this one at Saratoga Race Course, need legal representation at times By Susan E. Campbell The equine industry is the largest agricultural industry in New York state , those in the industry say, and as such has...
Red Wing Shoe Company Opens Will Sell Its Wares At Clifton Park Center Location
The Red Wing Shoe Company is adding to its chain of stores with a new shop at Clifton Park Center Mall, opening in September. It will feature the latest in Red Wing work products, including purpose-built footwear from the...
E-Verification: Benefits and Criticisms
By Dhianna Yezzi E-verification is annoying and time consuming. In addition, the system has faced a barrage of criticism over the years for being flawed in its design and implementation. It erroneously flags authorized workers, especially naturalized citizens and...
Builder, Environmental Company Join Up To Build Healthier, Energy Efficient Homes
This rendition is the sleek "metro modern ranch" style of home Schuyler Builders has currently under construction on land off Moe Road in Clifton Park By R.J. DeLuke A local developer is working on a pair of housing developments--one...
Hudson River Community Credit Union Announces Annual Scholarship Winners
Hudson River Community Credit Union (HRCCU) announced the winners of its 2013 College Scholarship and Making Life Better Scholarship contests. Each of the following student members received a $1,000 scholarship: Jenna Akerley, Corinth Central School; Andrea Brenner,Shenendehowa High School;...
Environmental Remediation Of Sites Is Aztech Technologies’ Challenging Work
By Barbara Brewer La Mere As an environmental remediation company, Aztech Technologies' involvement with a particular project may begin under a variety of circumstances. Sometimes they are part of the evaluation of a site that is being considered for...
Malta Development Starts Construction Of 160-Unit ‘Lakeview Landing’ Project
This rendering depicts the carriage home that is one of the many designs customers can choose from that Malta Development will build at Lakeview Landing in Malta By Mark Genovese A spectacular view of Saratoga Lake amid the coziness...
Saratoga EDC Took Part In Promoting NYS Tech Opportunities At California Event
Center for Economic Growth's (CEG) NY Loves Nanotech initiative were in San Francisco In July to promote upstate New York as the place for high-tech business to locate and invest. CEG exhibited under its umbrella marketing initiative, NY Loves...
‘Art On Tap’ In Clifton Park Offers Various Ways For People To Enjoy Arts And Crafts
Art on Tap is a new paint and drink studio where art classes can be combined with beer and wine for adult customers, who can create their own unique painting to take home A new kind of entertainment can...