Adirondacks ACO was selected as one of 123 new accountable care organizations (ACOs) in Medicare, providing approximately 1.5 million more Medicare beneficiaries with access to coordinated care across the U.S., Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced...
Albany Med: New Guidelines For Early Lung Cancer Detection Will Save Lives
An Albany Medical Center lung surgeon says guidelines recently issued to provide earlier detection of lung cancer among older people who are long-term smokers will help save lives. Guidelines issued in January by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force...
Obama Administration Declares 7 Million Sign Up Under Affordable Health Care Act
The White House announced on April 1 that more than 7 million Americans have signed up for health plans under the Affordable Care Act. Congressional budget analysts had long forecast that 7 million people would get coverage this year...
Saratoga Economic Development Corp. Publishes Private Sector Innovation Plan
The Saratoga Economic Development Corp. released a new publication this year in the form of a private sector plan for economic development in Saratoga County. "Innovation Saratoga: A Plan For Our Future" was launched at an event last fall...
Entrepreneurs Help Business People Find The Right Style, Convey A Good Message
Kathryn Mademann runs KM2Style, helping people update their personal image Jennifer Armstrong is a stylist for J. Hilburn, a company that handles suits for men By Ali Munday Coco Chanel, one of Time magazine's 100 most influential people of...
The Hub@63 Putnam Rents Downtown Office Space By Hour, Day, Week Or More
Elizabeth Burke leases office space and amenities at the Hub@63 Putnam By Jill Nagy For people in need an office in downtown Saratoga Springs, Elizabeth Burke advises them to "put your bag down, plug into the Wifi and get...
Go2Snax Vending Provides Customers With Healthier Options For Their Snacks
Lynn Pohl, right, and Lauren Rose operate the vending machine business with healthier options, Go2Snax By Barbara Brewer La Mere Go2Snax, a business that offers a healthier option for vending machine snacks and drinks, is operating in Saratoga Springs....
Business Report: Tax Reform Impacts Real Estate Industry
By George Livanos Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus recently released several "Staff Discussion Drafts" containing proposals to reform the tax code. The proposals include reforms to cost recovery and tax accounting rules. Included within the proposals are a...
Area Commercial And Retail Real Estate Markets Are Faring Well, Local Agents Say
By R.J. DeLuke The commercial real estate market may not be strong in some areas of the state, but in Saratoga County it has been fairly strong in recent years, according to real estate agents in that field. "We're...
Showcase of Homes Committee Begins planning 2014 Event on 3 Fall Weekends
The 2014 Saratoga Showcase of Homes Committee is planning this year's edition. In its 19th year, the annual community event has contributed over $825,000 to local charities. The 2014 Showcase of Homes will be held on three weekends this...