©2017 Saratoga Photographer.com
By Maureen Werther
Circus Café, 392 Broadway in downtown Saratoga Springs, has long been associated with a fun, family-friendly environment and a lively nightlife.
In July, the restaurant was listed for sale by owners Colin and Christel MacLean. They plan to devote more time to their latest entrepreneurial enterprise, Saratoga Juice Bar, which is growing.
Christel called the decision to open Saratoga Juice Bar another instance of “Saratoga serendipity.” She and Colin had just completed the purchase of the Crowne Grill and were absorbed in getting that restaurant off and running when, much to their surprise, the small storefront a few doors down that they’d been eyeing for months became available.
“I went to Colin and said, ‘Guess what?’ We’re going to open a juice bar,’” she said.
“We are always looking for ways to do something better or finding the next best thing,” she said. They determined the organic and all-natural juice business is a fast-growing across the country. Millennials are health conscious and baby boomers are looking for ways to stay younger. Saratoga County had also just been named the healthiest county in the state. It all made good business sense.
“We went to L.A. and New York City to study under master juicers and develop our business model for the Juice Bar,” said Colin. “Our goal was to do it one time, the right way.”