Saratoga Business Journal
By Jill Nagy
Bakery Suzanne, a new bakery on Route 50 in Wilton, got off to a cautions start. It was open on April 29 for a “trial run,” just for one day.
“It was our first morning in a new space,” owner Wilson Keenan explained, and they were just getting the ovens going. “We didn’t care if we even sold a loaf of bread.”
The following few weeks, Keenan planned to open for the weekend—Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Then, he said, “We will grow gradually to Wednesday to Sunday.” On the first day, “there was not even a sign on the street,” he recalled. Now, he is ready to try to promote the business.
The bakery will be a wholesale business selling to restaurants, co-ops, and grocery stores, as well as a retail outlet. They use local grains and mill their own flour. The bread is made without yeast, “wild fermented.” Many of the pastries are based on croissants. “We are refining the classics,” Keenan said, “Nothing crazy.”