Taste NY sales increased to a record $17.8 million in 2018, state officials announced.
Total gross sales of New York products from Taste NY events and locations last year, including the opening of six brand new Taste NY Markets in Welcome Centers across the state, increased by $1.7 million over the previous year. The continued year-over-year growth reflects increasing consumer demand for local food and beverage products, officials said.
Laraine Desmond Named Citizen Of The Year By County Committee For Mental Health

Courtesy Saratoga County Citizens Committee for Mental Health
The Saratoga County Citizens Committee for Mental Health (SCCCMH) named Laraine Desmond as 2019 Citizen of the Year.
Desmond has provided direct care for hundreds of severely mentally ill individuals during her 30-year career working with Transitional Services Association (TSA), thee agency said.
For most of that time, she has served as the program director for the Stonebridge Community Residence. Officials said she has served with integrity and commitment through more than a few transitions and changes within the field of mental health and at TSA.
“The stability, sincerity, and experience Laraine brings to her job is both substantial and significant. It is impossible to calculate the positive impact Laraine’s service has had on TSA residents over the years,” the agency said in a statement. “It has literally been felt daily by people living with mental illness for her entire tenure at TSA. When asked about her work, Laraine said, ‘Often you hear people saying they love helping people, but I say I love the people I help. It is that simple.’”
Certified Nurse Midwife Named A Fellow For National Nurse Leadership Program

©2019 Saratoga Photographer.com
Certified nurse midwife Jennifer Kittell, of Saratoga Hospital Medical Group – Midwifery and Women’s Health Services, was named a fellow for the Duke-Johnson & Johnson Nurse Leadership Program.
A partnership between Duke University School of Nursing and Johnson & Johnson, the program provides leadership development for nurse practitioners and certified nurse midwives, especially those who work in community practice settings.
Kittell is one of 41 nurses from across the U.S. who were selected for the 2019-20 program. Fellows will participate in three leadership retreats, monthly distance-based learning activities and a transformative health leadership project. A key objective is to equip fellows to provide more effective, efficient healthcare services to vulnerable populations and to lead innovative health improvement initiatives for their organizations and communities.
Saratoga County Program Teaches Veterans About Healthy Stress Management Tools
Local veterans are given the opportunity to focus on health and resilience thanks to the 100 Day Transformation Challenge program created by Saratoga County in partnership with Purebred Athletics and Dig Deep Chiropractic & Massage Therapy PLLC.
Through the Veterans Peer Connection program operating under the county Veterans Service Agency, Saratoga County is currently sponsoring 15 veterans who will participate in the 100 Day Transformation Challenge, allowing them the opportunity to learn healthy stress management tools as well as establish a community with other veterans in the program.
Saratoga Hospital Completes Update And Expansion Of Its Cardiovascular Services

Courtesy Saratoga Hospital
Saratoga Hospital recently completed a $3.25 million update and expansion of its Whitney-Hendrickson Cardiovascular & Interventional Suite to meet increased demand for advanced cardiovascular and cancer treatments.
The expansion added a second catheterization suite to support critical services, including the hospital’s 24/7 emergency interventional cardiology program and state-of-the-art minimally invasive oncology procedures.
State Adopts Programs To Raise Awareness Of The Dangers Of Synthetic Cannabinoids
A statewide plan to combat synthetic cannabinoids, also known as K-2, has been established. The multi-agency agenda includes wide-ranging prevention, education, treatment, and community engagement efforts, building upon the state’s commitment to add dozens of synthetic cannabinoids to the state’s controlled substances list.
These new initiatives will help remove these substances from circulation, raise awareness on the dangers of K-2, and provide additional guidance to healthcare providers on effective treatment and recovery services, officials said.
Remodeling Of Kitchens And Bathrooms, Adding Space, Is Common In Area Homes

©2019 Saratoga Photographer.com
By Jill Nagy
Many people who buy a house in Saratoga Springs decide to change it: things like redoing the kitchen or bathroom, add a master bedroom suite, or turning the backyard into an outdoor family room.
Bob West, president of Old Saratoga Restoration, speculated that it is almost inevitable. “People want to be in town,” he said, and “the housing stock is quite old. Most houses require work.”
Group Plans To Build Apartment Complex At Clifton Park Center Road And Wall Street

©2019 Saratoga Photographer.com
By Susan E. Campbell
Atrium Properties expects to break ground this summer on an as-yet unnamed apartment complex in Clifton Park, according to Jacqueline Phillips Murray, Esq., a principal of the firm.
Construction Of Albany Medical Center’s New Clifton Park Medical Complex To Begin

Courtesy Albany Medical Center
Ground was broken April 29 for the construction of Albany Medical Center’s new medical complex in Clifton Park.
The 14,400-square-foot medical office complex, expected to open in October, will be located just west of Shenendehowa High School at 989 Route 146 in Clifton Park. Officials said it and will house an Albany Med EmUrgentCare, a newly renovated and expanded satellite office for orthopaedic specialists with The Bone and Joint Center, and other medical tenants.
State Gives Funds For Spa State Park Projects
The enacted New York state budget includes $110 million in capital funding to continue the NY Parks 2020 initiative to revitalize the state’s flagship parks and support critical infrastructure projects, including more than $2 million for two projects in Saratoga Spa State Park.