by Andrea Palmer
LISSMAC Corp., a German company that builds machines for metal processing, has outgrown its Waterford location and is moving headquarters to Mechanicville.
The new facility will be built by Bast Hatfield in two phases. The building will be 31,000 square feet.
Ingo Heiland is vice president of the U.S. division, overseeing sales and distribution in the U.S., Central and South America.
Plumbing And Heating Supply Company Moves Into New Building On Finley St., In Saratoga

By Jill Nagy
When Win Supply, formerly Security Supply, cut the ribbon on its new building at 5 Finley St., it opened the curtain on a new business model, as well as a new name and a new, larger, building.
The plumbing and heating supply company is now part of a 600-company conglomerate, each doing business as Win Supply, ownership said.
Two Area Financial Experts Join Forces In A Clifton Park Office And In New York City

Courtesy Wiskces Forensic Accounting & Consulting LLC
Seasoned financial experts, Pamela D. Wickes, CPA, CFE, CFF, ABV, and Scott DeMarco, MBA, CBA, CVA, CDFA, CPVA, have joined forces with an affiliate partnership.
Their businesses, Wickes Forensic Accounting & Consulting LLC and Equitable Value LLC, are now together at a new location in Clifton Park, in addition to operating in New York City.
“During the last four years, there have been times when clients have retained Pam and I separately to work on different aspects of the client’s case,” DeMarco said. “In those situations, Pam does the financial investigation to address various allegations/concerns and then I perform the valuation work.
“Due to the synergies of our practices, it was a smart move to bring our teams together. Doing so makes it easier for our clients to hire us [under one agreement, instead of two] and simpler for us all to communicate and share case information.”
Wickes and DeMarco are financial experts that, for the most part, focus on different niche practice areas. DeMarco is concentrated in business valuations for litigated matters. Equitable Value also provides value-related services for acquisitions, transition planning and more.
StoredTech Expands Its Home Office Space; Owner Expects 40 Percent Growth In 2019

Courtesy StoredTech
By Christine Graf
StoredTech (Stored Technology Solutions) recently expanded its headquarters at 543 Queensbury Ave. in Queensbury. The company leases the space and expanded into an area vacated by a previous tenant.
According to president Mark Shaw, the expansion was precipitated by the company’s exponential growth.
Business Report: Pets In The Workplace

By Rose Miller
While in Pennsylvania on business, my husband and I stayed at a “pet friendly” hotel. Second day in, my husband commented that he feels his life has gone to the dogs because we found ourselves eating and sleeping with dogs.
Instead of waking to a crying baby, we awoke to a whining and barking dog needing to be let out. There is a pervasive trend in American society to place the same importance on pets as they do for a human family member. In fact, we hear people instantly complain when young children are in the room, yet there seems to be a greater tolerance for animals.
There is a growing demand for pet-friendly policies in today’s workplace. Companies are dealing with mandated leaves for family caregivers and “pet parents” desire the same type of leaves for their pet responsibilities. A study conducted by the American Pet Products Associations found that 17 percent of employers had pet-friendly policies.
Business Report: Office Space Design Tips

By Dorothy Rogers-Bullis
Your business’s physical space says a lot about you, speaking volumes about your company culture and priorities. If you strive to attract and retain top talent within your organization, you must ensure your workplace is designed to meet those employees’ needs—offering an attractive, ergonomic, efficient space that is tailored to each person’s job function and personal work style.
If you are interested in updating your workspace, but you don’t know where to begin, here are a few of the top new trends we are seeing in the office design industry.
Standing to work
With more research coming out about the health issues associated with prolonged sitting—from neck and back problems to higher rates of obesity—the sit-to-stand desk is a top trend in the workplace. These adjustable-height work surfaces offer the flexibility to perform work in either a sitting or standing position, improving ergonomics.
National Group: 39 States, Not NY, Added Construction Jobs; Workforce Shortages Noted
Texas and West Virginia Have Biggest Number and Percent of Annual Job Gains as Louisiana Has Worst Losses; California and North Dakota Experience Largest One-Month Gains, While New York and West Virginia Lag
Thirty-nine states and the District of Columbia added construction jobs between May 2018 and May 2019, while construction employment increased in 31 states and D.C. from April to May, including New York state, according to an analysis by the Associated General Contractors of America.
NYSERDA Launches Board To Support Efforts To Accelerate New Technologies
The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has launched of a new Investor Advisory Board to support its efforts to accelerate new technologies and provide broader exposure for emerging companies to the investment community.
The 10-member board came together in New York City for the first time and represents some of the most active and prestigious early-stage financial and corporate investors in the clean energy space.
Alicia Barton, president and CEO, NYSERDA, said, “The expertise of the Investor Advisory Board will ensure New York state is investing in innovative and game-changing technologies, products and services needed to help us reach Gov. Cuomo’s nation-leading clean energy and climate goals. New, disruptive technology is critical to hastening our clean energy future and aggressively fighting climate change, and we are proud of the role that NYSERDA plays in cultivating innovative clean energy solutions here in New York.”
The board features highly distinguished financial and corporate investors focused on early-stage clean energy companies. The board will assist NYSERDA in developing long-term strategic plans and increasing near-term programmatic impact to accelerate the pace of clean energy innovation in New York state. Board members will share best practices about due diligence, portfolio management and syndication of deals to help emerging companies develop and bring technology to the marketplace more quickly.
The Wesley Community Makes Appointments To Its Community And Foundation Boards

Courtesy The Wesley Community
The Wesley Community has made three new appointments to the boards of The Wesley Foundation and The Wesley Community in Saratoga Springs.
Officials said Ray Martin, a longtime board member and current president of the board of directors of The Wesley Foundation, was appointed to the board of directors of The Wesley Community. He will be joined by Deborah Damm-O’Brien, who has also been appointed to the board of directors of The Wesley Community.
The Wesley Community also announced that Kevin Tully was appointed to The Wesley Foundation board of directors, which focuses on fundraising and giving initiatives to support the mission of The Wesley Community.
“The new additions to both of our boards bring extensive experience which will undoubtedly serve as a valuable asset to The Wesley Community as we continue to provide exceptional senior care to those in our community,” said J. Brian Nealon, CEO of The Wesley Community. “Each of their individual talents will surely benefit our residents and the entire board as we continue to grow and remain the provider of choice for aging adults in the Capital Region.”
Lifelong Learning Group Lists Its Fall Schedule
Fall class registration at the Academy for Lifelong Learning (A.L.L.) begins July 22.
Noncredit classes start the week of Sept. 9 with the term ending in November. Look for the Fall Term Class Registration and Membership application brochure in area libraries, the Academy office at SUNY Empire State College, 113 West Ave. or on the website at
Registration forms are being accepted for open classes throughout the summer. Some classes will sell out. Call the Academy office in August for open class availability at 587-2100 x2415.
Thirty-one different non-credit classes are offered Monday through Friday during the day and cover a wide range of genre including: history, art, literature, current world issues, health, religion, writing, science, and economics.