NBT Bank is hosting a webinar series educating business leaders on the latest information surrounding all facets of addressing cyber threats from awareness to prevention and response.
Presenters include NBT Bank director of information security Terra Carnrike-Granata, director of cash management and government banking Margaret Scopelianos, information security manager Andrew Frisbie and NBT Insurance Agency president Tucker Lounsbury.
The events are free to attend, and guests may join one or all sessions.
“Are You Covered? Proactive Controls You Need Now” will be held on Friday, April 23. It will outline how to integrate cyber liability insurance into your cybersecurity program while also leveraging banking controls to protect financial assets.
“After A Breach: Effective Incident Response on Friday,” will be held April 30. The team will share the fundamentals of incident response planning, and tips on how to respond to a ransomware attack or an email account takeover in Microsoft 365.
“Cybercrime Survivors: Stories & Lessons Learned” is schedule for Friday, May 7, and will feature a virtual roundtable hosted by all four of our presenters. The team will discuss valuable lessons from actual cyber-attacks, as well as answer questions submitted on topics from cybersecurity to cash management and more.
To register, visit www.nbtbank.com/CybersecurityRSVP.
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Ferraro, Amodio & Zarecki, CPAs, a forensic accounting, business valuation and business advisory firm and Hudson Forensic Solutions, a boutique forensic firm, have announce a merger.
The union, designed to provide the Hudson Valley with expanded services in business valuations, fraud and financial investigations, economic damage analysis, litigation support, expert testimony, as well as business growth consulting, exit planning and investment banking services.
As a result of the merger, FAZ, based in Saratoga Springs, now also operates out of White Plains, covering Westchester County and the entire Hudson Valley.