Barry Potoker, executive director, Saratoga Builders Association By Bary Potoker Are things looking rosy for this year? That's not just the name of my new and adorable, three month old golden retriever pup, but things appear to look brighter...
2013 Economic Forecast – Mark Shaw of StoredTech
Mark Shaw, president, Stored Technology Solutions (StoredTech) By Mark Shaw This year the technology trending for businesses of all size boils down to two different trends: touch and mobile, or mobile and touch. Both will play a big part...
2013 Economic Forecast – Todd Garofano of Saratoga Convention & Tourism Bureau
Todd Garofano, president, Saratoga Convention & Tourism Bureau By Todd Garofano What a wild ride 2012 was for the meetings, conventions and the group market in Saratoga Springs and Saratoga County. We started out very strong, probably our strongest...