Monique Boulet operates Organique by Monique in Saratoga Springs By Monique Boulet, RD, CDN, CPT Although it's been decades since the start of the first workplace wellness programs in the country, their popularity has really sparked a growing trend...
Long Term Care – Hole In Financial Plan?
James Flanagan, wealth advisor, Sterling Manor Financial LLC in Saratoga Springs By James Flanagan Retirement gets a lot of attention lately and rightfully so. Stories documenting the decline of pensions and the pressure on Social Security have become common....
The ‘Benefit’ Of Employee Benefits
By James E. Marco Jr. As we approach another annual enrollment season, companies are once again facing increased health insurance premiums at rates that are near 20 percent. As each company struggles with how much to contribute to the...
Don’t Make Estate Plan ‘A Family Secret’
Debra A. Verni is a partner with the Herzog Law Firm PC By Debra A. Verni, Esq. Only about 40 percent of adults in America have a will, which may not be entirely surprising. No one wants to be...
Social Media Is Thorny For Employers
Michael Billok, labor attorney with Bond, Schoeneck & King in Albany By Michael Billok As an employer, there is no such thing as common sense when it comes to social media. The technology has evolved so fast, and the...
Tech Security In An Organization
By Jared Humiston Maintaining a secure business is no small task. With so much demand on everyone's time it becomes easy to overlook the small details that protect your business. This task should never fall on one person's shoulders...
Technology And New Products Change How Plumbers Do Business These Days
By Jill Nagy "The trade I learned is no longer around," said Chris Cocozzo, co-owner of Boyce and Drake Plumbing in Saratoga Springs. Plastic pipe has replaced lead, brass and copper and everything seems to have a computer imbedded in...
My Turn: Keeping Scaffold Law Protects Workers
Joan Shirikian-Hesselton, Northeast Coalition on Occupational Health & Safety BY JOAN SHIRIKIAN-HESSELTON For another year, Albany has passed on 'reforming' the Scaffold Safety Law. And that's a good thing. Few debates in Albany are as misleading as the one...
Changing Mutual Fund Portfolio
Ryan Bouchey, CFP, CPA, vice president of Bouchey Financial Group Ltd.By Ryan Bouchey, CFP, CPA As an investor there are an endless number of investment options at your disposal whether it's through a broker, your advisor or if you are...
Rolling Retirement Plan To An IRA
Stephen Kyne, partner, Sterling Manor Financial in Saratoga Springs.By Stephen Kyne Whenever someone leaves a job, whether voluntarily or not, one of the biggest questions they face is what to do with their 401k, 403b, or other company-sponsored retirement plan....