Stephen Kyne, partner, Sterling Manor Financial, Saratoga Springs BY STEPHEN KYNE We're smack dab in the middle of tax season, which means, for many of us, that we're reviewing what actions we could have taken last year to improve...
Business Report: Avoiding Fast Growth Pitfalls
Kelly Reinhart, CPA, managing partner of Reinhart & Associates BY KELLY REINHART It might surprise a lot of people to know the number of fast growing small to mid-market companies in their community. With the advancement of technology over...
Business Report: CPAs Are Valuable To Contractors
Harman is a CPA with Whittemore, Dowen & Ricciardelli LLP BY MICHAEL M. HARMAN, CPA The look on the subcontractor's face was priceless as he was forced to reckon with the fact the man sitting across from him not...
Business Report: Employment And Medical Marijuana
Noreen DeWire Grimmick, partner with the Hodgson Russ law firm BY NOREEN DEWIRE GRIMMICK In July 2014, Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the Compassionate Care Act (CCA) also known as the "Medical Marijuana Law". New York is now the 23rd...
Business Report: Office Email Impacted By NLRB Ruling
Subhash Viswanathan, employment law attorney with Bond, Schoeneck & King BY SUBHASH VISWANATHAN On Dec. 11, the National Labor Relations Board issued a 3-2 decision in Purple Communications Inc., holding that employees have a presumptive right to use their...
Business Report: Tax Act ‘Extenders’ Can Help
Kevin Hedley is a partner with Hedley & Co., PLLC, in Clifton Park BY KEVIN M. HEDLEY, MS, CPA, PFS "The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see." Winston Churchill once said. We...
Business Report: Succession Plan ‘Must Haves’
Eric Snell, financial advisor, Edward Jones Financial in Saratoga Springs BY ERIC SNELL If you own a business, you may well follow a "do it now" philosophy -- which is, of course, necessary to keep things running smoothly. Still,...
Business Report: A Trust As IRA Beneficiary?
Debra Verni, principal of the Herzog Law Firm in Saratoga Springs BY DEBRA VERNI Do you have a good reason to name a trust as beneficiary of your IRA? Do you have a child with a disability? Is this...
Business Report: Year-End Wealth Planning Ideas
Fran O'Rourke, senior vice president of Key Private Bank in the Capital RegionBY FRAN O'ROURKE Since the American Taxpayer Relief Act was enacted in 2012, the tax burden for affluent Americans--in many cases also business owners--has increased significantly. Including...
Business Report: Flexibility With Home Office Deduction
Melinda Bucknam is a CPA with Bucknam, Rodecker CPAs, Wilton BY MELINDA BUCKNAM, CPA Afraid of an automatic audit from the tax man this year? Want to write-off that home office but you've heard it's a red flag? Not...