By Maureen Werther
Townley & Wheeler Funeral Home, a long-time, family owned and operated business at 21 Midline Road in Ballston Lake, has completed an expansion to its entryway and greeting area.
Director Kathleen Lowes Sanvidge purchased the business and property from brothers Harold and Frank Townley four years ago and recently received her certification from the state as a certified woman-owned business, the only female funeral director in the state to hold this designation.
Her decision to expand upon the existing structure was motivated by a desire to add to the comfort of her clients. It is the second expansion Sanvidge has made since purchasing the business and she is planning additional updates and renovations.
“We’ve expanded the front porch and added a much-needed covered entryway that people can pull up to in their cars. They can also be sheltered by the roofed-in porch,” said Lowes Sanvidge.