Business founders and owners are often outstanding visionaries. Being a visionary, however, sometimes comes with blind spots. You may be “the bee’s knees” at casting a vision for your company, yet unknowingly neglect certain employee needs that are vital for your vision to become a reality.
If this assertion surprises you, consider your immediate response to one question about your business. Are you ready? Here it is:
“What does success look like?”
Your answer undoubtedly relates to the long-term vision for your business, whether that has to do with revenue goals, expansion plans, innovative product lines, or some other “big picture” results. Your image of success is crystal clear in your mind. You can pinpoint metrics and milestones that will mark your progress. You can’t wait to celebrate when you finally see your vision played out in the real world. Given this clarity about how success looks, how it is measured, and how it is celebrated, you are motivated and engaged and know just what you need to do!
But there is something important to remember: the people who work for you may not think in such “big picture” terms. They may understand and acknowledge the grand vision for the company, but that is not their day-to-day existence and experience. They have a job to do, such as making sales, making calls, or making widgets. That is what consumes their time and attention.
As the business owner and visionary, these daily tasks most likely never cross your mind. (And rightly so, since they aren’t your job.) Yet, these short-term actions make your long-term vision possible. For example, take the Accounts Payable team. Processing checks to pay vendors probably doesn’t get on the agenda for your leadership meetings. But if the Accounts Payable team fails to send checks in a timely manner, that can jeopardize key vendor relationships. Therefore, behind the scenes, Accounts Payable plays an important role in the success or failure of your company vision.