The Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation announced that the Carruth Foundation has pledged $35,000 to match all gifts received to the Revive 65 campaign to underwrite the rehabilitation of 65 Phila Street. This comes after the Foundation recently announced the final stretch to raise the remaining $100,000 for its campaign.
“This is such an amazing gift! This pledge, combined with the recently received $30,000 grant from the Saratoga County Supervisors Matt Veitch and Tara Gaston, if matched, will meet our $100,000 goal in record time,” said Executive Director Samantha Bosshart,
The long-neglected 1851 Alexander A. Patterson House located at 65 Phila Street – important for its associations with the early development of the city, the spring waters, and the Jewish community – had been on the Foundation’s endangered list for over 20 years and threatened by demolition in 2021. In 2021, the Foundation purchased it with the intent to stabilize the Italianate building, execute environmental abatement, and complete an exterior restoration.
“Brady and I feel very passionate about helping to maintain the history and integrity of this beautiful city. We are proud to do what we can, as well as encourage others to do so as well,” said Zane Carruth.
After the Foundation first announced its plans to rehabilitate 65 Phila Street, the Carruth Foundation was quick to show their support with a $50,000 donation to the project. Since then, the environmental abatement and interior demolition were completed. The porch framing and portions of the exterior siding were repaired. The original porch railings and columns, as well as the historic window sashes, were carefully restored off-site. A new roof for the main structure has been installed. The structural stabilization and framing of the east extension was recently finished. The exterior painting in historically appropriate colors is nearly complete.