The Double H Ranch in Lake Luzerne, New York, broke ground on Circle H Lodge, a new residential lodge for camp staff and volunteers, in late September. Double H Ranch launched its public phase of a $5.5 million capital campaign project in March 2023 to support four areas of focus: the new Residential Lodge, Adaptive Playground, Outdoor Pavilion expansion, and Camp-A-Theater. Backed unanimously by its Board of Directors, the Double H Ranch has secured $5.3 million of its goal.
Dave Michaels, Chair of the Facilities Committee, stated: “It is exciting to be here today breaking ground at the new Circle H Lodge. Double H makes a profound difference in the lives of our campers year-round, and our staff team and volunteers work hard to make the program possible. This new lodge will provide our counselors and volunteers with a place to recharge and rest, helping them to be the best they can be for our campers. This new cabin will offer year-round housing, build program capacity, and enhance energy efficiency, and will offer common rooms for meeting and gathering.”
Charlie Crew, Board Chair, stated: “Thank you to all our donors who have collectively contributed 5.3 million towards our campaign. Double H campers look forward all year to experiencing the life changing impact of camp, and they will benefit from these capital improvements for years to come.”
This is the Ranch’s second Capital Campaign endeavor led by Lisa and Robert Moser, who launched the campaign with a $1.5 million leadership gift. “Double H Ranch wouldn’t be possible without the support of our community. We are grateful for the individuals, foundations, businesses, and organizations that have provided generous funding in the initial stage of our campaign. We are inspired by the progress we have made and look forward to meeting our campaign goal in 2023 with the help from our community,” state the Moser’s.
Neil Golub, co-chair of the campaign, provided a $1 million challenge, matching gifts made by Board Members and early stakeholders. “For those of us who have had the privilege of leading the Double H groundbreaking for new facilities, it has always been a source of enormous pride,” says Mr. Golub. “Every new facility ensures our longevity. Knowing that our kids will be attending a special place for mind, soul, and body gives us a very warm feeling. I hope with all my heart that our friends will join us in this very special journey.”
For over 30 years, the Double H Ranch has provided outdoor Adirondack adventures for children living with a serious illness. During that time, over 80,000 children have visited this safe place, where health challenges do not define them. The Capital Campaign will secure funding to ensure a continued experience of excellence for children and their families who participate in the year-round programs offered at camp, provided at no charge.
The projects were identified in a Master Site Plan to address the critical need to replace or renovate existing structures that do not meet the needs of our programs. The new Circle H Residential Lodge will offer year-round housing and help build program capacity. The current outdoor pavilion has been doubled in size to accommodate outdoor cabin gatherings, meals, and activities.
New to the camp will be the Camp-A-Theater and Adaptive Playground. The Camp-A-Theater will be located at the heart of camp and will provide a large, outdoor gathering space for campers and counselors to congregate for morning assembly and talent shows. The “RayMax Camp-A-Theater” will be named in honor of Max Yurenda, founding CEO, and Dr. Ray Walsh, founding volunteer physician.
The Adaptive Playground will be customized to the needs of our campers from KOMPAN’s Playground Equipment Company. The playground has been generously supported through a gift from Business for Good and Lisa and Ed Mitzen. Elements will include graduated challenges keeping the play fun, adventurous, and exciting. The new playground will give campers a unique space to freely engage with peers, participate in meaningful play, and build confidence in their own skills.
Double H Ranch has a phased construction timeline, with the Outdoor Pavilion Expansion completed in Spring 2023, Circle H Residential Lodge and Adaptive Playground beginning in the Fall 2023, and Camp-A-Theater in Fall 2024.
At the Groundbreaking Ceremony Alison Wilcox, CEO, stated: “Thank you to everyone who has made this possible for the future of our Double H community. We are nearly at the finish line with $200 thousand left to fund these critical projects, and we invite new community members to join us to support the future of Double H campers.”