Courtesy Veterans Business Council
The Veterans Business Council of the Saratoga County Chamber will host a breakfast program featuring Retired Admiral Phil Davidson at 8 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 2, at the Holiday Inn-Saratoga Springs.
Admiral Davidson is the former 25th Commander of United States Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM), America’s oldest and largest military combatant command.
The admiral will speak to timely perspectives on Russia, Ukraine, China and Taiwan and what that means for the U.S. economy and what it looks like for the prosperity of the United States.
“The Veterans Business Council of the Saratoga County Chamber of Commerce is eager to welcome Admiral Davidson. He provides expert perspective on current events that will likely impact our lives and businesses for the foreseeable future”, said Erica Choi, chair of the VBC.
Individual tickets are $25 with sponsorship opportunities available at www.SimpleTix.com/e/vbc-breakfast-tickets-116727.
The Veteran’s Business Council of the Saratoga County Chamber of Commerce mission is to facilitate opportunities for our military veterans residing in Saratoga County. Efforts will be to connect them with the business community to enhance their knowledge of employment opportunities, job or entrepreneurial training, and new business development.
The council will also seek additional opportunities in support of our local veterans. Visit www.veteransBusinessCouncil.com for more information.