Two new companies, both owned by former taxicab drivers, provide that service.
People don’t have to be drunk to order up a driver. Amanda Putnam of Saratoga Designated Car Service recalls being called to take someone home from her doctor’s office after an unexpected medical procedure made driving unwise.
Erin Hutchins, owner of Black Tie Drivers, said that a designated driver could be helpful for serious “Black Friday” shoppers.
Putnam’s husband and co-owner of Saratoga Designated Car Service, Timothy Putnam, also drives a motorcycle. He can help out an impaired biker by driving home the motorcycle while his wife follows in the company’s “chase car.”
Generally, drivers go out in teams of two: one to drive the client’s vehicle and the other, to follow behind to pick up and bring back the designated driver. Designated Driver also offers a regular taxi service.
Black Tie Drivers offers a delivery service. For that, they use their own vehicles. They charge $10.
Designated Drivers also does some deliveries but “it’s not a huge part of our business,” according to Amanda Putnam.
Both companies are headquartered in Saratoga Springs but do not limit their services to that city. Black Tie goes to Albany, Lake George, Glens Falls and points in between.
“We go pretty much everywhere,” Amanda Putnam said of Designated Driver.
With the companies charging for their services by the mile, however, there is a natural limit to how far people will ask them to travel. Both companies charge $2 per mile, with a minimum flat rate, $20 for the first seven miles with Designated Driver; $20 for the first 10 miles with Black Tie.
Designated Driver does not charge for additional passengers. However, there is a $5 fee to stop and drop one of them off. That company also offers gift cards for the holidays.
Black Tie has three teams of drivers, including Erin’s parents, Kathy and Ken Hutchins, former taxi drivers who owned their own cab company, called ATaxi, until 2005.
Designated Driver fields one or two teams during the week and four teams on weekends. During track season, those numbers doubled.
While their services are available for any reason, the owners of both companies emphasize their potential role in reducing the incidence of people driving under the influence of alcohol.
“We want to make the roads a safer place for everyone,” Erin Hutchins said.
“We want to help cut down on drunk driving. We take pride in what we do. There is a huge need in Saratoga,” Amanda Putnam said.
Designated Driver Car Service can be reached at 937-1330. Black Tie Drivers’ telephone number is 419-1888.