SaxBST, an accounting, tax and consulting
firm, will hold an interactive panel discussion on
the state of the local construction industry 8-10
a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 19 at Wolfert’s Roost Country
Club, 120 Van Rensselaer Boulevard, Albany.
Attendees can learn about the latest accounting,
tax updating attendees on issues in the
construction field and get legal updates, on the
hot topics that happening in the Capital District
Featured panelists are David Buicko, chief
operating officer of the Galesi Group; Jeff Distefano,
CEO of Harrison & Burrowes Bridge
Constructors Inc.; and Joel Howard, III, Esq.,
of Couch White LLP.
Ron Guzior, a partner with SaxBST, will be
the moderator.
For more information or to register, contact
Michael Murray at or