Jeannie Barbero, right, and Sarah Currier of Custom Fitness in Gansevoort keep the facility
open around the clock so people working odd shifts or those with busy schedules can have access.
Becoming physically fit is a popular New Year’s
resolution. For those looking to get back into shape,
Custom Fitness Gym offers many options.
The facility is located at 23 Northern Pines Road,
Suite 1101, in Gansevoort.
Owner Sarah Currier has been attending exercise
classes for several years. Co-owner Jeanie Barbera
was operating a small studio in Wilton, which
had personal training and classes available. The
two came together to create Custom Fitness Gym.
“I taught here and I taught there. I wanted to
focus my energy” in one spot, said Currier. “Jeanie
and I understand each other and we have the same
ideas. I wanted to embrace our two forces into one.”
Barbero is responsible for personal training at
the gym, while Currier oversees the expansive list
of classes.
Custom Fitness Gym is referred to as a fitness
boutique. Currier said the concept is that there are
many different facilities available at Custom Fitness,
and guests are welcome to use the space in ways
that are best suited to their needs.
For example, the fitness facility is open 24 hours.
Currier and her staff realized that many people
work late shifts and having a gym open late at
night is good for this demographic. Guests can
enjoy Precor strength circuit workouts and stateof-
the-art equipment, including dumbbells, power
rack, TRX, cardio machines, kettlebells and more.
There is wireless internet, service televisions and a
music system to keep people entertained during
their workout.
Personal training is offered. Guests can meet
with a team member to discuss their individual
goals and come up with a fitness plan. Whether a
guest wants to lose weight, build endurance as an
athlete, or recover from an injury, a personal trainer
will help them with a customized fitness plan.
Classes include spinning, pilates, zumba, yoga,
cardio kickboxing and more.
Custom Fitness will hold a weight loss challenge
event in February. It will be an eight-week contest
with a cash prize for the contestant who sheds the
most pounds.
Guests do not have to be a member to use the
facilities. Day passes are available and non-members
can take advantage of the personal training
services. Those that want memberships can choose
between a non-contract membership or an annual
“Maybe you are only here for track season. If you
are only here for a couple months, you don’t have
to join the gym,” said Currier.
The staff at Custom Fitness will expand and
add new options based on what customers want
and need.
“Our clients created this gym. We listened to
them,” Currier said. “Our motto is ‘all shapes, all
sizes, all ages, all abilities.’ We cater to everybody.”
To learn more about Custom Fitness Gym, call
361-6387 or visit customfitnessgym.com