Rebuild NY Now, a broad-based coalition
seeking to raise public awareness about the
issues impacting New York state’s infrastructure,
continued its campaign and call for
parity in November, meeting in Albany with
local elected officials, members of organized
labor, and private local businesses.
This coalition called on the State Legislature
and the governor to include funding
parity between the capital plans of the Metropolitan
Transit Authority and the New York
State Department of Transportation in the
2016-17 Executive Budget.
Mike Elmendorf, president and CEO of
Rebuild NY Now, said the coalition has come
together “because our crumbling roads and
bridges are in serious need of attention and,
more importantly, are in serious need of
a multibillion dollar capital commitment
from the state. Renewing a commitment to
the historic parity agreement between roads
and bridges and transit will not only create
jobs and save New Yorkers money, but it will
ensure the safety and well-being of Capital
District families who every day ride on roads
and bridges that are in a state of disrepair.”
Albany County Executive Daniel P. McCoy
said, “Capital Region drivers and their families
deserve safe and reliable roads and bridges
just as New York City commuters deserve a
transit system that is second to none. Many
commute every day on roads and bridges that
need to be fixed. We must restore parity to
New York’s millions of drivers who are pay
billions only to travel on unsafe roads and