By Jill Nagy
With All Things Good II , sisters Renee
Mantello and Kim DeVito bring their Loudonville
spa services and juice bar to the
new Pavilion Grand Hotel on Lake Avenue
in Saratoga Springs.
The Saratoga location opened in early
May. Their clientele, so far, has been split
about evenly between hotel guests and
people “off the street,” including some
Loudonville customers who live or work in
Saratoga, the owners said.
The business is “all about wholistic healing,”
DeVito said, using fresh natural ingredients
and chemical-free cosmetics. The spa
offers an array of services, including facials,
“all kinds of massages,” manicures and
pedicures, yoga classes and nutrition advice.
There is also a juice bar offering cold-pressed
fruit and vegetable juice blends.
In addition, they are introducing “something
new to the area,” infrared heat
therapy, a sort of heat-induced detoxification,
said DeVito. Clients are “dry brushed,”
slathered in cream, and then wrapped in
large heated blankets and allowed to sweat
it all out for 30-60 minutes. DeVito said it
is good for sore joints and muscles, skin
problems, and weight loss.
Another service is juice cleanses. They
have, according to DeVito, “been a huge success,”
both in Loudonville and in Saratoga.
On each day of a juice cleanse, the client
begins the day with a dose of a probiotic digestive
enzyme, then, over the course of the
day drinks six 16-ounce bottles of a blend
of fruit and/or vegetable juices–and nothing
else. The juice blends are formulated
for the cleanses and are different from the
blends served at the juice bar. The bottles
are numbered and come with instructions,
she explained.
“When we first opened in Loudonville, we
thought we would have a spa with a juice
bar attached, but it has turned into a juice
bar with a spa attached,” DeVito said. In
Saratoga, so far, the spa has been the main
draw. At the spa, the most popular items
have been facials and massages.
For hotel guests, All Things Good II
personnel will bring the spa to the room or
rooftop garden and perform services there
if the customer wishes.
The spa employs about 20 people, including
a full-time manager, Jennifer Post, who
is a nutritionist. Most of the others work
part time or are on-call as needed.
So far, clients have included men as well
as women. With the men, “massages are
huge,” DeVito said, and they also come for
manicures, pedicures and facials.
Mantello was trained as an esthetician.
Her daughter, who is also involved in the
business, has a marketing degree from
Marist College. DeVito described herself
as, formerly, a “stay-at-home mom” who
did some commercial interior design work.
All Things Good II is located at the hotel
at 30 Lake Ave. The phone number is 487-
4288. Spa hours are Monday to Saturday
from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and on Sunday, from 9
a.m. to 5 p.m. The juice bar is open Monday
to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on
Sunday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.