Attorney Kimberly Salerno holds on to
one very simple tenet, that simply being
nice, matters. It’s a quality her clients often
use to describe their experience with her
law firm and title company, and a quality
she seeks out and values in those people she
works with. Salerno Law, PC is dedicated to
handling commercial and residential real
estate transactions and title work.
Salerno is originally from Whitesboro,
just outside of Utica. As a child, she had the
opportunity of meeting a judge, which created
a tremendous impact. Salerno saw the
positive role he played in people’s lives and
developed the goal of also becoming an attorney
who could help people, as well. After
earning her undergraduate and bachelor’s
degrees from SUNY Albany, she worked
for five years with Hartford Insurance in
Syracuse, managing long term disability
claims. While she valued the broad experience she gained in that position, she began
to feel less challenged as time passed, and
decided to pursue her lifelong ambition of
becoming an attorney. She began applying
to law schools.
She proudly describes her business as a “boutique” real estate law firm – which she explains as “…highly specialized in real estate law and very accessible to our clients, realtors, loan officers, and builders. We cater to all of their needs and concerns so they feel like they are our only client and not just another file number.” Since Salerno has maintained good standing with Stewart Title Company, as an agent, she’s able to offer title services to her clients, which helps to streamline the overall process.
So what has Salerno found the most challenging aspect of launching and operating her own business? She says, “I’ve often found myself explaining that the legal part of the business is the easy part; the most challenging aspect was learning how to manage and run a successful, growing business. The other extremely difficult aspect is finding really good employees that are reliable, knowledgeable, detail-oriented and the most important quality, in my opinion, nice. Within the first year of my business I was extremely fortunate to have found Jordana Muldoon, my closing coordinator. She possesses all of these qualities and more. I truly credit the growth and success of my business, in part, to Jordana. She has been an integral part of the growth since she has come on board.”
Salerno adds, “The most common feedback I receive from my clients and partners in this business, such as loan officers and real estate agents, is that they love using our law firm because we are nice…although, I have been referred to a time or two as a “bulldog” when the situation requires!”
Salerno views the complexities of being a business woman and working mom in a straightforward way, “People ask me about that all the time. It’s not easy, I’ll be honest. There is naturally, an element of prioritizing your time, but honestly, you just do what you have to do. Ultimately, my son comes first, since family always comes first. … that may mean leaving the office at 5.00 but remotely logging back in later that evening. You just do what you have to do.”
Salerno is rewarded by what she calls “the leap of faith” she took three years ago, and just how worthwhile it has been. “It’s a huge risk to start a new business, but with the support of family and friends, it has proven to be one of the best decisions I have ever made. My business has continually grown and continues to do so. We are also fortunate to be in Saratoga County, where the real estate market continues to thrive.” She also stresses just how thankful she is for the ongoing encouragement she receives from her parents. “They were very supportive of my decision to go out on my own, and they have been a tremendous support.”
Things are looking so good that currently, Salerno is seeking to hire another closing coordinator to support the volume of business coming in the door. “Naturally, I want my business to continue to grow, however, I am a very “hands-on” attorney and don’t want my law firm to grow to a size where I am no longer touching each of the files. I find that the loan officers and realtors that refer business to me do so largely in part because I am actively involved in the files and because of my accessibility. All of my realtors and loan officers have my cell phone number and know they can call me, text me or email me at anytime.”
After a year of settling into running and managing her business, Salerno decided to immerse herself with the Ballston Spa community, and became a member of the Ballston Spa Business and Professional Association (BSBPA). “As a local business owner I appreciate all the hard work and commitment that goes into running a successful business and am a strong advocate for local businesses. I am now on the board of the BSBPA and serve on several of their committees. I am very proud to be a part of this organization because we do a tremendous amount for the community, including welcoming new businesses in Ballston Spa with a ribbon cutting event. Some of the other local events BSBPA maintains is: the beautiful flowers along Milton Avenue or in Wiswall Park, Concerts in the Park in Wiswall Park every Thursday night along with the Farmer’s Market, First Fridays and the annual Car Show.”
The Law Office of Kimberly A. Salerno and KBS Abstract Services LLC is located at 199 Milton Avenue, Ballston Spa. Their phone number is 518-309-3404. More information can be found online at www.salernolawyny.com.