By Jill Nagy
Two high school friends have joined
forces to create a landscaping and home
remodeling company in Saratoga Springs,
J2 Designs LLC.
The two, Saratoga High School graduates,
are Jonathan Ching, the landscaper,
and Justin Ames, heads up the home remodeling
part of the business.
Ames and Ching have been marketing
their services since October. Things were
a little slow over the holidays, according to
Ching, but are picking up of late.
Ames has been working in construction
since completing high school, including
carpentry courses at BOCES. Ching said
that his partner had little formal training
but “grew up around it” and has about 14
years of experience.
They are prepared to do a job from initial design to completion, start to finish. They have primarily residential customers, a lot of kitchen and bathroom remodeling, tile work and installation of hardwood floors.
Ching worked in his family optical laboratory business and did landscaping on the side before starting the new business. He is also able to do a job from initial design to completion. He also provides lawn service.
Word of mouth has been their main source of business so far. They are in the process of developing website and Facebook presences to help spread the word.
For now, the two J’s are doing all the work themselves, operating out of Ching’s home at 7 Evergreen Drive. They expect to bring in additional employees in late spring or early summer, once the snow melts and the grass begins to grow.
The number for J2 Designs is 694-1338.