Annemarie Mitchell takes the helm as president
of the Capital Region Builders & Remodelers
Association in 2014.
“I am very excited about the future of CRBRA
and the building industry as a whole. We have
survived the past several years; now it’s time to
flourish,” said Mitchell.
She is president and CEO of Legacy Timber
Frames Inc. in Stillwater, a company that has been
designing, producing and erecting custom timber
frame structures for over two decades.
Executive Officers for 2014 are: Vice President Jim Amsler, vice president BCI Construction; Associate Vice President David Phaff of Realty USA; Secretary, Michele Brown of Belmonte Builders; Treasurer Steven Stiansen, general manager of Crawford Door & Window Sales; and Immediate Past President Ben Cangeleri, president Schrader & Co.
The 2014 board of directors represents the many facets of the home building industry and brings valuable knowledge and experience to lead the CRBRA.
Recently installed board members include: Kathleen Baynes, Esq., Carter Conboy; Mike Curtis, SEFCU; Ed Gilligan, Curtis Lumber; Anthony Guidarelli, Guidarelli Construction; Luke Michaels, The Michaels Group; Dett Otterbeck, Otterbeck Builders, Paul Pipino, Pipino Builders, Geff Redick, Redbud Development, Ken Sherman, HIG Construction; Todd Stewart, Stewart Construction; Rich Stufflebeam, Stufflebeam & Grogan; Shawn VanVeghten, VanVeghten Construction and Adam Zima, Capitol District Supply.
“CRBRA’s board of directors truly represent our entire industry and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to continue the success of the association,” said Pam Krison, executive officer.
The Capital Region Builders & Remodelers Association is the professional trade association for the residential development, construction and remodeling industry and affiliated with New York State Builders Association and National Association of Home Builders. For additional information go to crbra.com.