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The Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Services

Providing services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in Saratoga County for 30 years.

The Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Services of Saratoga County (DVRC) is a not-for-profit organization that has been providing services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault for 30 years. Each year its safe-house provides over 2,600 nights of safe shelter to adults and children fleeing abuse. The DVRC has a gracious and understanding staff of 14 that assists over 1,000 individuals to help increase their safety.

The DVRC offers a range of services, including helping people escape relationship abuse and working with communities to help end relationship and sexual abuse. They firmly believe that relationships should be safe and that no one should be controlled by or afraid of someone they love. The DVRC has helped many people restart their lives and put them in a safer place.

The DVRC is available 24-hours a day and 7 days a week through their hotline (518-584-8188); so if you want to talk, they're there to listen. Along with this 24-hour hotline, the DVRC offers many other comprehensive services to ensure victims get the help they need. Some of these other services include:

  • Emergency Shelter
  • Case Management
  • Counseling
  • Legal Advocacy
  • Safety Planning
  • Safe Pet Partnership
  • And more...

The Agency's mission is to help victims and raise awareness to end domestic violence.

Contact the DVRC to learn more:

The DVRC of Saratoga County
480 Broadway LL 20
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Office: (518)-583-0280
Hotline: (518)-584-8188

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