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Saratoga Sponsor A Scholar

Spotlight On Saratoga Non-Profit: Saratoga Sponsor A Scholar (SSAS)

Saratoga Sponsor A Scholar

SARATOGA SPRINGS NY -- Saratoga Sponsor-A-Scholar (SSAS) is a non-profit organization that provides help to further the future of disadvantaged high school students in Saratoga Springs City School District.

Each year, SSAS selects 10 sophomores from the Saratoga Springs City School District for the program. These students receive mentors, academic tutoring and help with college preparation during their last 3 years of high school and yearly cash stipends while in college. SSAS mentors, referred by the Saratoga Mentoring Program and Big Brothers Big Sisters, offer scholars additional support and encouragement while monitoring their success.

Eligibility for the program is based on the students' economic situation and academic standards. Eligible students must qualify for federal assistance through the free school lunch program, have a 75 or better average, good citizenship characteristics and be selected by the school system on the basis of their potential to benefit from the SSAS curriculum.

Upon acceptance into the program, the scholars chosen must follow certain SSAS-mandated guidelines, including good behavior, attending weekly study skills programs, arranging monthly meetings with mentors, maintaining grades above 75, and staying productive during the summer through employment or college enrichment. If a scholar falls below a grade of 75 in any subject, they must attend mandatory intensive tutoring for that subject.

Following high school, each scholar will continue in the program, maintaining contact with their mentor and receiving a $1,500 stipend each year they attend and successfully complete a year of college.

Looking to give? There are a few different sponsorship opportunities, from $100 one-time donors to $10,000 one-time sponsors to founding sponsors who commit $10,000 per year for 5+ years.

The SSAS organization was modeled after Capital Region Sponsor-A-Scholar, Inc. (, a successful program founded in 1996 that assists disadvantaged students in Albany, Schenectady and Troy to prepare for and achieve success in college.

Visit this Saratoga Springs non-profit online at

Contact SSAS for more information or to make a donation:
Jim LaVigne
Acting Executive Director


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