Local Nonprofit Organizations In Saratoga
Discover these local nonprofit organizations in Saratoga NY! Stay up to date on upcoming walks, drives and other events happening right in your own backyard. Stay connected with the Saratoga community, and visit these great nonprofits.
Local Nonprofit Organizations:
- AIM Services
- Stop CMV- The Action Network
- The Giving Circle
- Franklin Community Center
- Saratoga Bridges
- National Multiple Sclerosis Society
- Come Together For Kaitlin
- Katrina Trask Nursery School
- Hudson Crossing Park
- The Natalia F. Hogan Memorial Fund
- Autism Society Of America
- Rebuilding Together Saratoga County
- Hannah's Hope Fund
- Saratoga Healthy Transportation Network
- Flower and Fruit Mission
- Christopher Dailey Foundation
- Saratoga Sponsor A Scholar
- The Prevention Council
- Sustainable Saratoga
- Saratoga Springboard
- Saratoga Lake Association
- The Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Services
- Double L Equine Rescue and Sanctuary
- Angel Names Association
AIM Services - Saratoga Springs NY
AIM Services, Inc. is committed to improving the quality of life for people with developmental disabilities and/or traumatic brain injuries and their family members through a wide range of local services.
AIM Services, Inc.
4227 Route 50
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Stop CMV- The Action Network- Saratoga Springs NY
This National Non-proft promotes awareness of congenital CMV, a virus that causes severe disabilities in children. Only 14% of women have heard of CMV, but it impacts more children than Down-syndrome and other much more well known infections.
Stop CMV - The Action Network
Katie Igoe: 469-8127
The Giving Circle - Saratoga Springs NY
The main goal of the Giving Circle nonprofit in Saratoga Springs is to help communities and families in need throughout the Saratoga NY area. With a variety of programs in place and many volunteers to staff their efforts, the Giving Circle spreads love and compassion throughout the Saratoga Community.
The Giving Circle, Inc.
P.O. Box 3162
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Franklin Community Center - Saratoga Springs NY
This local nonprofit organization is dedicated to improving the quality of life of less fortunate children and families in Saratoga. For more than 20 years, the Franklin Community Center has been helping and serving the Saratoga community through various kids' programs, advocacy groups, low income housing, a food pantry, AA meetings and more.
Franklin Community Center, Inc.
10 Franklin Street
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Saratoga Bridges - Ballston Spa NY
A true benefit to the local community, Saratoga Bridges is dedicated to serving individuals with disabilities and their families throughout Saratoga County. This nonprofit offers an array of services, from family support to employment services, transportation and more.
Saratoga Bridges
2902 Route 9
Ballston Spa, NY 12020
National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Upstate NY Chapter
This national nonprofit organization has a local chapter dedicated to serving MS sufferers and their families in Upstate NY. The National MS Society conducts research to help find the cause, cure and improved treatments for the disease. Our local chapter offers advocacy groups, education programs, walks, luncheons and other events to help raise funds and gain awareness for MS - serving over 12,000 individuals living with MS and their families from over 50 counties in the state.
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
421 New Karner Road
Albany, NY 12205
Come Together for Kaitlin - Corinth NY
Kaitlin Bowman is a young girl from Corinth, NY who was diagnosed with the genetic and fatal Batten disease, for which there is no cure. Her mother Becky is on a quest to fight for her daughter, hoping Kaitlin will be the first to live past the disease. Come Together For Kaitlin is the nonprofit that raises funds to help with this cause.
Katrina Trask Nursery School - Saratoga Springs NY
Katrina Trask offer a nursery school program that endorses the philosophy of learning through play.
Katrina Trask Nursery School
(518) 584-8968
24 Circular Street
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Hudson Crossing Park - Saratoga Springs NY
Hudson Crossing Park is a recreational and educational destination just east of Saratoga Springs. Its mission is to link environmental responsibility with economic revitalization and engage people about making informed choices for a sustainable future.
Hudson Crossing Park
(518) 859-1462
The Natalia F. Hogan Memorial Fund- Saratoga Springs NY
A memorial scholarship has been set up in memory of Natalia Caroline Fox Hogan, a Saratoga Springs high school English teacher, active athlete in the community, mother, friend, coach, advisor, and mentor.
Natalia F. Hogan Memorial Scholarship Fund
c/o Adirondack Trust Co.
473 Broadway
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Autism Society Of America - Albany Chapter
Autism is a developmental disorder that affects an estimated 1.5 million people in the US. The Albany Chapter of the Autism Society of America is commited to providing information about this disability and offering support groups and other events for families in the Capital District.
Albany Chapter Of The Autism Society Of America
PO Box 3847
Schenectady, NY 12303
Rebuilding Together Saratoga County - Schuylerville NY
RTSC is the Saratoga chapter of the national organization Rebuilding Together. They offer free home renovations to families in need throughout Saratoga County. Volunteers from the local community pitch in on several workdays throughout the spring and fall each year.
Rebuilding Together Saratoga County
P.O. Box 95
Schuylerville, New York 12871
Hannah's Hope Fund - Rexford NY
A young girl was diagnosed with Giant Axonal Neuropathy (GAN) in March 2008, which led her parents to start the Hannah's Hope Fund foundation to raise awareness of this disease, for which there is currently no cure, no treatment, no clinical trials and no research being done.
Hannah's Hope Fund
19 Blue Jay Way
Rexford, NY 12148
Saratoga Healthy Transportation Network - Saratoga Springs NY
This unique nonprofit in Saratoga is finding ways to promote eco-friendly transportation methods throughout the Capital Region. The Saratoga Healthy Transportation Network encourages bike riding, walking and running as an alternative to driving, especially for short distances.
Saratoga Healthy Transportation Network
112 Spring Street
Saratoga Springs, New York 12866
Flower & Fruit Mission Of Saratoga Hospital - Saratoga Springs NY
The Flower & Fruit Mission provides support and services to expecting mothers and their babies in Saratoga County. With state-of-the-art equipment, informational resources and one-of-a-kind special events, this nonprofit group is a valuable resource to many women in the community.
Flower & Fruit Mission
Saratoga Hospital
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Christopher Dailey Foundation - Saratoga Springs NY
Christopher Dailey was a young boy who died suddenly the day after Thanksgiving in 2001. Because of his love for sports, Christopher's parents started a not-for-profit organization in his name to ensure that his legacy lives on in Saratoga Springs.
Christopher Dailey Foundation
23 Brookside Drive
Saratoga Springs, New York 12866
Saratoga Sponsor A Scholar - Saratoga Springs NY
This Saratoga Springs non-profit organization offers disadvantaged students in the Saratoga Springs City School Districts a better chance at success by providing them with mentors, homework help, college prep and cash stipends for college.
Saratoga Sponsor A Scholar (SSAS)
P.O. Box 107
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
518-587-2472 or (518) 581-0979
Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention Council - Saratoga Springs NY
This Saratoga Springs not-for-profit helps children, youth, and families throughout Saratoga County through various community and support programs. The agency also serves as the fiscal agent for three community coalitions in Saratoga County.
The Prevention Council
36 Phila Street
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Phone: (518) 581-1230
Sustainable Saratoga - Saratoga Springs NY
This not-for-profit organization is dedicated to promoting sustainable practices and protecting natural resources in the Saratoga region. They partake in a number of projects throughout the year with the goal of bettering the community and the environment in the long-term.
Sustainable Saratoga
PO Box 454
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Saratoga Lake Association - Ballston Spa, NY
The Saratoga Lake Association is a non-profit organization that hopes to promote and enhance the environmental quality of the Saratoga Lake area. Their sole source of funding is from membership dues and tax deductible contributions.
Saratoga Lake Association (SLA)
P.O. Box 1252
Ballston Spa, NY 12020
The Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Services of Saratoga County- Saratoga Springs, NY
The Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Services of Saratoga County (DVRC) has been provding services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in Saratoga County for 30 years. The Agency offers a 24/7 hotline service that is available to children and adults of all ages.
The DVRC of Saratoga County
480 Broadway LL 20
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Office: (518)-583-0280
Hotline: (518)-584-8188
Angel Names Association - Saratoga Springs, NY
Angel Names Association (ANA) in Saratoga Springs is a nonprofit organization dedicated to operating fundraising programs to help the families of stillborn children. In addition to providing funds for end-of-life expenses and counseling services, ANA also supports stillbirth research.
Angel Names Association (ANA)
P.O. Box 423
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
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