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Courtyard By Marriott

Courtyard By MarriottMame Noonan from the Courtyard by Marriott at Saratoga Springs sits down with for a 10 Questions interview. This upscale hotel is located in the heart of downtown Saratoga Springs, offering luxurious accommodations, the finest amenities and an easy walk to superb restaurants, entertainment and shopping in the Spa City. Choose the Courtyard by Marriott for a romantic getaway, elegant wedding reception or sophisticated business meeting.

1. Are you native to the Saratoga area?

Yes I am. I grew up on Caroline St.

2. What sets your lodging venue apart from others in the area?

Guest service is our top priority. The Courtyard by Marriott offers 14 PURE Allergy friendly guest rooms. The PURE process removes up to 99% of pollutants from the air, letting guests with Allergy and Asthma symptoms breathe easy. Our hotel is well maintained and cared for. We offer plenty of free parking, complimentary wireless internet and a warm and inviting atmosphere

3. What is your favorite local hangout?

I have a number of them depending on my mood. That's what's so great about Saratoga. There are so many wonderful options

4. Do you have kids?

Yes, two boys. My son Jack is in his first year at SUNY Oswego. Andrew is a sophmore at Saratoga High. Both of my sons play lacrosse

5. Can you give us a glimpse into your daily routine?

Up at 6:30 - flip on the laptop on my way to start the coffee. Out the door by 8:20 to start my day at the Courtyard. In the hotel business, every day is different. By the end of the day, I've done any and all of the following: Met with clients, conducted hotel tours, answered inquiries, written contracts and or proposals, met with my Sales Staff, General Manager and any other Dept. Manager who I need to communicate with, sent thank-you and follow-up cards, answered lots of emails, attended networking events...

6. How do you spend your time when you are not at work?

I have lots of interests. Spending time with my kids, reading, personal development, cooking, networking web sites like plaxo, linked-in and twitter, inconsistent trips to the gym, staying in touch with friends & dining out (I'm a foodie)

7. What is something most people might not know about you?

I am an Independent Distributor for Send Out cards. It's become a very enjoyable passion sending unexpected, quality cards on a daily basis. Family, friends and customers really enjoy receiving a personalized card in the mail.

8. How do you ensure happy customers?

By offering a quality product and paying attention to all of our guests needs. Training, leading by example, and immediate response to all guest requests.

9. What inspires you?

Getting together with my colleagues is very inspiring. We share ideas and learn from each other. In our industry and especially in this area, we have a very effective Convention Bureau, Chamber and Local MPI chapter (Meeting Professionals International). There is a tremendous level of camaraderie among us.

10. What would you say to someone who dreams of managing a hotel one day?

People should follow their passion. When you're passionate about your career, you will naturally succeed. I would recommend working in every department to learn the challenges and rewards that this industry brings. You must be a people person with broad shoulders. On a daily basis, we encounter a variety of personalities, moods and dispositions.

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