Busy Bee
Ten Questions with Michael Villa, owner of Busy Bee Concierge and Errand Service, a new company in Saratoga Springs.
1. How did you come up with the idea for your business?
We have been doing things for various people in our neighborhood and thought that there is a real need for the services we offer.2.How many people are employed at Busy Bee?
We are a brand new service so for now it is family run. However we have interested people on the outside waiting to join us.3. How can potential clients schedule your services?
We are available by phone 518-848-6264 or 518-306-4134. We are also on the web at www.busybee-concierge.com and via email at pvilla1@nycap.rr.com.4. What is your company's mission?
To provide outstanding service with integrity, reliability and dedication to client satisfaction.5. I see you grew up in Amsterdam. What made you decide to move to Saratoga Springs?
I retired from a career in Law Enforcement and my wife and I have always been frequent visitors to the city so we sold our home in Amsterdam and are enjoying our time here.6. What do you like to do when you aren't working?
My hobby is cooking so even when I'm not cooking for someone I can usually be found in the kitchen or on the grill. Patti enjoys reading.7. What's your favorite spot in Saratoga?
Chianti Ristorante. Every place should take a cue from them on how to treat customers.8. You offer seasonal errand services for the racetrack season. Are you looking forward to the upcoming season?
Absolutely! The city is so alive -- we are very fortunate to be a part of it.9. With your busy schedule, how do you have the time to run your own errands?
We share the duties!10. Do you have any time-saving tips for Saratoga.com readers?
I find that when I make a "to do" list I accomplish most things. If I don't have it written down, I tend to not get as much done, so reminders are always helpful!
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