First Night 2009 Itinerary of Events
Here is the Saratoga First Night itinerary of events for the 2009 / 2010 New Years holiday celebration on December 31, 2009 - January 1, 2010. Schedule subject to change...
- Venue Name
- 6:00
- 7:00
- 8:00
- 9:00
- 10:00
- 11:00
- 01: City Center
- Union Fire Co. #2 Marching Band
- Saratoga Savoy
- The Joey Thomas Big Band
- The Liberty Bells USO Show
- The Joey Thomas Big Band
- The Joey Thomas Big Band
5:30pm Opening Ceremonies; 6:00pm Albany Academy Cadet Corps; Food Available
- 02A: Saratoga Hilton Gallery
- Lyl Harper (7:40)
- Lyl Harper (8:40)
- Lyl Harper (9:40)
- 02B: Saratoga Hilton Broadway Room
- Mason Winfield - "Haunted Saratoga"
- Mason Winfield - "Haunted Saratoga"
- Mason Winfield - "Haunted Saratoga"
- Mark Tolstrup/ Dale Haskell "Street Corner Holler"
- Mark Tolstrup/ Dale Haskell "Street Corner Holler"
- Mark Tolstrup/ Dale Haskell "Street Corner Holler"
- 03: Temple Sinai
- Adirondack Baroque Consort
- Adirondack Baroque Consort
- Adirondack Baroque Consort
- Nick Coluccio
- Nick Coluccio
- Nick Coluccio
- 04: Saratoga Springs Post Office
- Aged in the Hills
- Aged in the Hills
- Aged in the Hills
- Fighting 86's
- Fighting 86's
- Fighting 86's
Stamp Cancellation Event 6-11:30pm
- 05: Adirondack Trust Company
- Edward T. Clifford--- "the Human Jukebox"
- L. B. Walker
- Edward T. Clifford--- "the Human Jukebox"
- L. B. Walker
- Edward T. Clifford--- "the Human Jukebox"
- L. B. Walker
- 06: Saratoga City Music Hall
- Saratoga City Ballet Presents Act II of the Nutcracker
- Saratoga City Ballet Presents Act II of the Nutcracker
- Jump Daddies
- Jump Daddies
- Jump Daddies
- 07: Hampton Inn
- Happy Balky and The Good Livin'
- Happy Balky and The Good Livin'
- Happy Balky and The Good Livin'
- 08: NYS Military Museum (the Armory)
- Al & Kathy Bain
- Matt McCabe, Rick Bolton, Arlin Greene
- Nancy Walker Trio
- Maggie Doherty & Zac Rossi
Exhibits Open 6-10pm; Food Available
- 09A: Lake Avenue Elementary Gym #1
- Radio Disney
- Radio Disney
- Radio Disney
- Radio Disney
- Radio Disney
Refreshments in Cafeteria
- 09B: Lake Avenue Elementary Gym #2
- Jeff Taveggia-Juggler Extraordinaire
- Ren-e the Clown strolling 6:30-9:30
- Jeff Taveggia-Juggler Extraordinaire
- Stephen Gratto-Comedy Juggler Extraordinaire!
- Stephen Gratto-Comedy Juggler Extraordinaire!
- 09C: Lake Avenue Elementary Auditorium
- Melvin the Magnificent
- Melvin the Magnificent
- Melvin the Magnificent
- 10: St. Paul's Lutheran Church
- Heavenly Echoes Gospel Singers
- Heavenly Echoes Gospel Singers
- Heavenly Echoes Gospel Singers
- The Mop & Bucket Company
- The Mop & Bucket Company
Food Available
- 11: Presbyterian New England Congregational Church Hall
- Keith Pray Quartet
- Keith Pray Quartet
- Keith Pray Quartet
- Brian Patneaude Quartet
- Brian Patneaude Quartet
- Brian Patneaude Quartet
- 12: First Baptist Church
- Hair of the Dog
- Hair of the Dog
- Hair of the Dog
- Ernie Williams Band
- Ernie Williams Band
- Ernie Williams Band
Roast Beef Dinner Served 4:00 to 8:00pm
- 13: The Children's Museum at Saratoga
- Karen Pillsworth, Storyteller
- Karen Pillsworth, Storyteller
- Karen Pillsworth, Storyteller
- 14: Saratoga Springs Public Library
- Rick Bolton & the Dwyer Sisters
- Al & Kathy Bain
- Matt McCabe, Rick Bolton and Arlin Greene
- Nancy Walker Trio
- Matt McCabe, Rick Bolton, Arlin Greene
- 15: Café Lena
- Seth Glier
- Sean Rowe
- Seth Glier
- Sean Rowe
- Seth Glier
- Sean Rowe
Food Available
- 16: Key Bank
- Alana Sangiacomo
- Byrne and Barrett
- Alana Sangiacomo
- Byrne and Barrett
- 17: Winter Wonder Wagon to Beekman
"Winter Wonder Wagon" rides to Beekman Street Art District 6:30-10:30pm
- 18: Beekman Street Arts District
- Ian Nolan
- Ian Nolan
Gallery exhibits, refreshments, pianist Ian Nolan (7 and 90m), craft demos, much more
- 19: Feast Gallery
- Bethlehem Stringers
- Bethlehem Stringers
- Bethlehem Stringers
- 20: Congress Park Carousel
Open all evening, weather permitting. 50 cents per ride.
- 21: Saratoga Visitors Center
- Hollis Palmer
- Hollis Palmer
- Hollis Palmer
- Kay Olin
- Kay Olin
- Kay Olin
- 22: Outerzone
- King Entertainment
- King Entertainment
- King Entertainment
(fee for Lasertag and games)
- 23A: The Saratoga Co. Arts Council Gallery
- Ed Stander - Musical Glasses for the Masses!
- Ed Stander - Musical Glasses for the Masses!
- Ed Stander - Musical Glasses for the Masses!
- 23B: The Saratoga Co. Arts Council Dee Sarno Theater
- Sonny and Perley---Great American Songbook Standar
- Sonny and Perley---Great American Songbook Standar
- Sonny and Perley---Great American Songbook Standar
- Ramblin' Jug Stompers
- Ramblin' Jug Stompers
- Ramblin' Jug Stompers
- 24: NBT Bank
- Fairview Avenue
- Fairview Avenue
- Fairview Avenue
- Saratoga Faire
- Saratoga Faire
- Saratoga Faire
- 25: St. Peter's Church
- Adirondack Baroque Consort
- Adirondack Baroque Consort
- Racing City Chorus
- Racing City Chorus
- Lake George Opera at Saratoga
- Lake George Opera at Saratoga
- 26: St. Peter's Parish Center
- Hillbilly Horns
- Hillbilly Horns
- Hillbilly Horns
- Soda U
- Soda U
- Soda U
- 27: Hilton Garden Inn
- St. James Gate
- St. James Gate
- St. James Gate
- Swing 24 - formerly The Hot Club of Albany
- Swing 24 - formerly The Hot Club of Albany
- Swing 24 - formerly The Hot Club of Albany
Food available.
- 28A: National Museum of Dance Studio 1- rear bldg
- Elaina and the Showtime Belly Dancers
- Elaina and the Showtime Belly Dancers
- Elaina and the Showtime Belly Dancers
Elaina and Mideast Belly Dancers performances begin at 6:30, 7:30 and 8:30
- 28B: National Museum of Dance Studio 2 - rear bldg
- Turtle Clan Dancers
- Turtle Clan Dancers
- Turtle Clan Dancers
- 29: The Spa Little Theater
- Ellen Sinopoli Dance Company
- Ellen Sinopoli Dance Company
- Union Fire Co. #2 Marching Band
- Union Fire Co. #2 Marching Band
Food Available
- 30A: Saratoga State Park Administration Bldg Lobby
- Mary Thompson - Caricaturist
- Lennon and McCartney --The Tribute Show
- Lennon and McCartney --The Tribute Show
- Lennon and McCartney --The Tribute Show
Hot air balloon on park grounds 7-9pm
- 30B: Saratoga State Park Administration Bldg Mtg Room
- David Pitkin - Ghost Stories
- David Pitkin - Ghost Stories
- David Pitkin - Ghost Stories
- 31: Saratoga Automobile Museum
- Mark Rabin
- The Flipsydz
- The Flipsydz
- The Flipsydz
Mark Rabin 6:30, 7:30, 8:30. Tarot Card Readings 7 - 10pm. Exhibits open all evening 6-10pm; Food Available
- 32: YMCA West Ave. Branch
- Living World Ecology Reptile Show
- Living World Ecology Reptile Show
- Dazzle Dogs Entertainment
- Dazzle Dogs Entertainment
Crafts for kids 6-9pm; Faces by Ferdinand 7-10pm; Planetarium shows every 20 minutes 7-10pm.
- 33A: Saratoga Springs HS Auditorium
- Battle of the Bands
- The McKrells
- The McKrells
- The McKrells
Food Available; Battle of the Bands begins at 5pm.
- 33B: Saratoga Springs HS Large Gym
- Captain Squeeze and the Zydeco Moshers
- Captain Squeeze and the Zydeco Moshers
- Captain Squeeze and the Zydeco Moshers
Captain Squeeze and the Zydeco Moshers at 7, 8:30, 9:30
- 33C: Saratoga Springs HS Small Gym
- Robotics Demos
- Robotics Demos
- Junk Music™ with The Junkman™
- Junk Music™ with The Junkman™
- Junk Music™ with The Junkman™
Junk Music times: 7:45-8:30, 8:45-9:30, 9:45-10:30
- 33D: Saratoga Springs HS Small Auditorium
- Andy Pitz - Comedian
- Andy Pitz - Comedian
- Andy Pitz - Comedian
- Andy Pitz - Comedian
Did we miss one? Did one of these places close? Send us a note!