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Experience (Really) Works - Helping Seniors with Employment

Everyone knows the difficulty and stress of searching for jobs. It gets worse in a recession, and even more burdensome for senior citizens.

That's why Experience Works, a national program designed to help senior citizens get jobs, has been working since 1965. Originally founded as Green Thumb, the organization has evolved steadily into its current stage.

Experience WorksOlder workers often have a difficult time finding jobs because of homelessness, disability, prejudices against the elderly and other obstacles. Many retire, only to find that their retirement fund cannot cope with their mortgage, medications, and other expenses.

So Experience Works takes qualified individuals - unemployed seniors whose income is just above the poverty line - and provides them with training and the necessary skills to make them desirable employees.

These skills include how to present yourself in an interview, resume writing, and other general job-seeking aids.

In addition, Experience Works alliances itself with local nonprofits, community organizations and other businesses to provide its members with real on-the-job training and experience.

"On the job", seniors learn easy and important skills like cashier operation, reception, and computer familiarity. This kind of knowledge proves invaluable when looking for paying jobs, and sets Experience Works members apart from other applicants.

Many have reclaimed their livelihoods after going through an Experience Works program to find and nab the job they need to continue living comfortably and happily.

If you are interested in partnering with Experience Works, helping, or joining, call the Experience Works Saratoga office at 518-226-0122.

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