{"id":9074,"date":"2011-11-03T13:50:37","date_gmt":"2011-11-03T17:50:37","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.saratoga.com\/living-well\/2011\/11\/-v-behaviorurldefaultvml-o-behaviorurldefaultvml.html"},"modified":"2017-11-30T10:23:22","modified_gmt":"2017-11-30T15:23:22","slug":"v-behaviorurldefaultvml-o-behaviorurldefaultvml","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.saratoga.com\/living-well\/2011\/11\/v-behaviorurldefaultvml-o-behaviorurldefaultvml\/","title":{"rendered":"Staying Empowered in Our Chemical World: How to Deal with Scary Toxins!"},"content":{"rendered":"
\n Philosophy Highlight Fun Facts: <\/p>\n
a.Prostate Cancer & Fish Oil<\/p>\n
b. B
\n vitamins and Brain Health<\/p>\n
c.Video on What you Need to Know about the Flu<\/p>\n
\n Events!<\/p>\n
a.This Thursday, November 3rd<\/sup>, for b.Upcoming Essential Oils Workshops with Terry Core Balance for Women’s Health<\/p>\n Marcelle November 1, 2011 Healthy Body, Healthy 4.<\/b>Book of the week:A 5.<\/b>Don’t miss a.My latest Blog on Toxicity and EMFs<\/a><\/p>\n b.What was your favorite story from my Blog on the Top c.Check out my latest answer and more on Dr. Oz’s Sharecare: d.View the Updated Link Resources on my homepage<\/a><\/p>\n Omega Fish This study on the positive effects of fish oil and prostate cancer Last week, the United States Its recommendation is based on the Researchers at UCLA’s Cancer Center Findings favor The low-fat fish oil group \u00b7Lower \u00b7Less \u00b7Reduced \u00b7Reduced Source: Wetherby, C. Omega Based Diet Slows Prostate Cancer. B Vitamins Improve Cognition<\/b><\/u><\/p>\n Brain atrophy can be an early warning “The Vitacog study involved 266 people Source: Amen, D. Can Certain Vitamins Slow Cognitive Decline. Amen What to During the month of November, the National Vaccine Information To view the video, which will be seen by travelers on Delta, please go to You Book of A Read a review of Dena’s book here.<\/a><\/p>\n Radio for the
\n Practitioners: What Every Doctor Should Know About Drug-Induced Nutrient
\n Deficiencies. Contact Applied Nutritional Services:<\/b> (518) 226-0197 or
\n email ansny@nycap.rr.com<\/a><\/p>\n
\n Quigley and Lori Mershon at the Healing Garden. Contact Terry at 518-831-9469<\/p>\n
\n Pick<\/a><\/p>\n
\n Sex Life
\n Join Marcelle as she welcomes Dr. Anna Cabeca for a powerful discussion of
\n women’s health issues. They share tips for sensual living as well as discuss
\n different causes of sexual dysfunction. Tune in to learn about restoring health
\n and balancing hormones for a healthier self and sex life.<\/p>\n
\n Survivor’s Guide to Kicking Cancer’s Ass<\/i> with Dena Mendes<\/a><\/p>\n
\n out:<\/p>\n
\n Health Stories<\/a> of October 2011? Post on my webpage!<\/p>\n
\n Toxicity and Excretion<\/p>\nNaturopathic Highlight Fun Facts!<\/u><\/h1>\n
\n Oil & Prostate Cancer<\/u><\/b><\/p>\n
\n made me smile. Especially due to all the negative press lately about vitamins: <\/p>\n
\n Preventive Services Task Force concluded that healthy men should no longer take
\n a PSA blood test to screen for prostate cancer. The panel found that the test
\n does not save lives over all and often leads to biopsies and treatments that
\n needlessly cause pain, impotence and incontinence in many. <\/p>\n
\n results of five well-controlled clinical trials and applies to the 44 million
\n American men aged 50 and older … many of whom have already had a PSA test
\n during routine physical exams. Today’s news takes on extra significance in
\n light of this new official advice.<\/p>\n
\n recruited 48 men undergoing radical prostatectomy … an operation to remove the
\n prostate gland and some of the tissue around it (Aronson WJ et al. 2011).<\/p>\n
\n low-fat\/fish oil diet low in omega-6 fats<\/b><\/p>\n
\n showed critical advantages over the Western-diet group:<\/p>\n
\n omega-6:omega-3 ratios<\/p>\n
\n prostate tissue (benign and malignant)<\/p>\n
\n cancer cell proliferation (Ki-67 index)<\/p>\n
\n cancer cell proliferation in patients’ prostate cancer cells tested in the lab. <\/p>\n
\n October 27, 2011. Vitalchoice Newsletter. http:\/\/newsletter.vitalchoice.com\/e_article002252879.cfm?x=bkbqvdv,b1h0JlRD\n<\/p>\n
\n sign of dementia and the rate of atrophy can be determined by measuring the
\n concentration of the amino acid homocysteine. “People with homcysteine
\n levels above 14 micromoles per litre of serum had twice the risk of dementia”.<\/p>\n
\n over the age of 70 with diagnosed mild cognitive impairment”. Half of the
\n participant received the B-vitamin mixture supplement containing folic acid,
\n vitamin B6 and B12, and the other half received a placebo, both groups received
\n the treatment for a span of two years. The results were just amazing! The group
\n receiving the B-vitamin supplement showed homocysteine levels decreasing by an
\n average of 30% when compared to the placebo group. Executive mental
\n function was stabilized, along with significant improvements in episodic memory
\n (memories of times, places and associated emotions) and semantic memory (memory
\n of meanings, understanding and concept-based knowledge). The difference between
\n the rate of decline between the placebo group and the B-vitamin were
\n significant. This study shows how important it is to measure and manage your
\n vitamin levels, especially vitamin B!<\/p>\n
\n Newsletter. November 1, 2011. http:\/\/\/blog\/5380\/can-certain-vitamins-slow-cognitive-decline\/<\/p>\n
\n Know about the Flu <\/u><\/b><\/p>\n
\n Center (NVIC) will have a 3-minute video on flu prevention included as part of
\n in-flight programming called “Lifestyle365” aboard Delta Air Lines.
\n The video features NVIC co-founder and president Barbara Loe Fisher urging
\n viewers to become informed about influenza and how to stay well during the flu
\n season. <\/p>\n
\n Tube at: http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=B96DnVs83mg.Radio
\n for your Body-Mind-Soul
\n A
\n Survivor’s Guide to Kicking Cancer’s Ass<\/a><\/p>\n
\n the week:<\/u><\/b><\/p>\n
\n Survivor’s Guide to Kicking Cancer’s Ass with Dena Mendes<\/a><\/p>\n
\n Body-Mind-Soul<\/b><\/u><\/p>\n