Learning about the health dangers associated with everyday household and personal care products can be shocking! In this post, you’ll learn what NOT to do with this information overload. You will also be provided with the resources needed for making safe, nontoxic choices in home and beauty care in order to protect you...
The Latest News On Belly Bugs

You’ve probably noticed I’ve been spending a lot of time researching and studying one of my favorite topics, essential oils! I am always excited and compelled to share on these plant secondary metabolites! This is because they are an easily accessible, versatile, integrative, and empowering health tool with so many beneficial effects. However, many...
Why You May Want to Frequently Sniff the Soothing Scent of Ylang Ylang Essential Oil: Part II

Ylang Ylang: Calming the Heart, Mind, and Supporting the Whole Body Who doesn’t love the scent-sational and alluring odor of ylang ylang essential oil? However, this essential oil has many more uses than a contributing ingredient to the well-known and alluring perfume of Marilyn Monroe. Learn more below. If you haven’t guessed,...
Copaiba Essential Oil: A Strange Word, Amazing Oil 2 (Years Later) Part I

The Fascination Begins Here A few years ago, some of my team members came to me inquiring about copaiba essential oil. This curious-sounding oil was released by Young Living at their 2010 convention. At that time, a wonderful member who attended the event shared her notes with us. They stated: This native...
Mind-Body-Spirit-Soul Healing, with Science…The Healing That Could Come from Temporary Separation

Don’t Call it a Comeback, Call it a Return and Reunification The concept of mind-body medicine has been gaining momentum in the mainstream media for decades. In a 2006 article in EMBO, the author discussed the history of how the body became separate from the mind to begin with and the road back...
Feeling the Nurturing Love for Health in February

Did you know taking care of yourself is critical for your long-term well-being? The British Journal of General Practice reports: Self-care affects health outcomes through several pathways:11 adherence to treatment regimes; maintenance of good physical health through lifestyle choices (for example, diet, not smoking); monitoring symptoms to inform treatment/self-care decisions; monitoring and managing stress...
Maybe We Should Just “Eat Wheat” After All? Not So Fast!

Is Gluten-Free Going Out of Vogue? To the holistic and integrative health community, the statement that gluten may not be a food demon could be heralded as hearsay! This mere suggestion may be enough to get one ostracized by several esteemed and distinguished dietary clubs. In fact, I just finished writing a long explanation...
Does Smell Impact Behavior?

One of my amazing friends, who invited me to speak to her amazing essential oils group last week, Lori, recently posted on her Facebook group an intriguing TedX video presented by perfumery expert, Dawn Goldworm. After viewing the video, I began to research a bit on what Dawn claimed. I found out that...
Are There Studies on Using Essential Oils in Children?

I just posted a blog on the use of essential oils in infants. In this post, I want to give you a little overview of some studies in the literature that demonstrate that the use of essential oils in children has, in fact, been documented and beneficial. I also provide additional resources for...
How Social Media Effects Mood and Health
The World’s New Popular Past Time According to Statistica, “As of 2016, daily social media usage of global internet users amounted to 118 minutes per day, up from 109 daily minutes in the previous year.” (1) New York Times reports that amount of time on Facebook alone is averaging about 50 minutes a day....