Is This White Crystal Really the Villain of Heart Disease, or Guilty by Association? Among the combative disagreements, a few glimmers of hope sometimes emerge that nutritional experts may one day wave the white flag on the dietary wars. Recently, one was witnessed with the release of the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines regarding the former...
Should You Get “Shielded” from Dirty Electricity and Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF): If So, How?

You may have heard a rumor that we are surrounded by “Dirty Electricity” (DE) and “Electromagnetic Frequency.” (EMF) Well, it’s true. Although the science behind the health impacts are not fully elucidated, and somewhat controversial, you know by now that I’m a big fan of the precautionary principle. Over the years, I have...
Can You Have an “Allergy” to Essential Oils? If So, Why? Part I

A few months ago, I posted two articles that contained important information for all essential oil users to be conscious of. By being aware of these topics of safety and allergic responses, the desired benefits of essential oils can be optimized and unwanted responses prevented. I ended the series promising you that I would...
Are the Summertime Buggy-Boo-Hoos Getting the Best of You? Be on the Lookout for the “Most Unwanted” Creepy Crawlies and Learn How to Find Some Safe Solutions

Little Creatures, Big (Health) Problems When it comes to protecting the integrity of our blood cells and plasma, there’s more to be cautious of than just vampires. There exists various incognito “harmless” critters that go bump in the night, and creep around in the light of day. These little buggers also peer at humans...