The Healing of the Individual
I strongly believe in treating every person from an integrative and individualized perspective. This is due to several reasons. First, no one shares the same genetics, expect maybe identical twins. Still, even then, other factors such as different lifestyle patterns, diet, social support, environmental exposures, and stressors, will all intermingle and manifest in different ways. This means any disease, or its trigger, does not cause the same effect in everyone. Furthermore, the same disease in two separate people can be caused by any infinite factors due to these interactions. True healing cannot occur unless all this is considered.
This may be obvious, but not implemented. Let me illustrate in two conversations.
1. The trigger-response effect:
Sally to Mother: “Suzy got a cold from Billy, why didn’t you, Mommy!?”
Mother to Sally: “Well, Sally, Mommy happens to have been born with a strong immune system and she has been taking good care of herself. Some people were born with more sensitive immune systems and they need to pay very careful attention to how they treat their bodies. Sometimes, when they get exposed to a germ, their bodies may use symptoms to express it needs help to regain balance and heal.”
2. This brief chat between Danny and his Mother provides an example of how the same trigger results in differing responses between two people:
Danny to Mother, “Mommy, how come you had exposure to a tick and you have trouble with sleeping and being calm, and Davy got bone pain from one?”
The Good Detective
Ahh, here’s lies the “hooks” in Lyme.
It demonstrates the importance of finding a doctor that is a really good detective. This means he or she has knowledge of various symptoms and their potential causes and will work with you to determine which factors are most likely causing and contributing to your particular manifestation of Lyme disease, or any health concern for that matter.
These experts will understand that it is vital to determine the unique genetic expression of their patient and its interactions with various triggers. Only then will it be possible to determine the optimal solution. For example, Ella’s Lyme protocol was based on a variety of factors, not just killing the bug.
The Biggest Agreement Among the Experts Who Succeed in Moving Beyond the Bug in Lyme
After listening to the Chronic Lyme Disease Summit 2, all the geniuses featured agreed on one thing. To put it crudely, the answer ain ’t antibiotics. At least not if used alone or without very selective intention.
This for all the reasons above.
Simply killing the trigger will not treat the contributing factors to what set up a person to have a weakened immune response to begin with. Furthermore, there are SO many scary side effects with a kamikaze approach to wiping out all critters in our body. Most importantly, it causes harm to our beloved microbiome. This one fact alone can create a vast amount of issues that could further complicate the symptom picture. (I discussed this in more detail here).
All of these “Beyond Bug Killing,” experts have an expertise in rebalancing the body and taking the stress off it in their own ways. They may use combinations of certain “kill agents,” but only within the context of minding the body’s terrain first!!
Click here to read more on this topic and discover some of the factors they address.