My past two blogs on my homepage and my last one on this page has covered the negative impacts of environmental toxicants on our children.
Below are some proactive steps any caring adult of a little one can take.
1. Work to become aware of exposures and support your child early.
In 2010, one of my past professors saw this need and filled a gap with the creation of the University of Bridgeport’s College of Naturopathic Medicine’s first pediatric rotation. (Read the article at: Natural Awakenings magazine. January 2011. UB Clinics at the University of Bridgeport.)
Listen to radio show I discussed on my homepage about our chemical world, not to scare you put in order to stay empowered.
Although it’s tempting to keep turning a blind eye and go the easier, softer way of not changing, the autism epidemic is making it hard to not pay attention.
2. Decrease the home’s total toxic load by using organic hoyse hold products and diffusing essential oils.
3. Prevent exposure from foods by eating organic.
Studies are showing links between pesticides and food allergies, heavy metals and ADHD, gluten and autism, and more.
4. When thinking of becoming pregnant, become aware of exposure and consider a gentle cleanse.
5. Support your child. If you put stress with a combination of exposure, you lower your child’s toxicant resiliency.
6. Take control of your own health. Children learn by example.
7. Diffuse therapeutic essential oils to neutralize microbes and mold in the home (while boosting immunity!)
8. I believe that this is essential to keep in mind: what and how we treat our bodies are passed down in generations.