by Sarah A LoBisco, ND This week's blog highlights the connection between our gut's critter population to our health. The microflora that resides in our intestines outnumbers our cells for a reason! They are critical regulators on how our...
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Health Promotion and Prevention for the Young and Old
Dad's Role in Future Generations, ad infinitum: Most are aware of the implications of how a mother's diet and lifestyle factors affect baby, but mom's genes make up only half of the equation. The best way to ensure a...
This is your brain on sugar, fructose, and alcohol–not pretty
The Brain on Sugar: It tastes good, but a moment on the lips, forever on the hips...hippocampus in the brain that is! Did you know that consuming too much sugar can make you less intelligent and forgetful! Unfortunately, it's...
The Healing Power of Insight and Healthy Heart Nutrients
Everyone is focused on healthcare reform. The question I present in my recent blog at is why we are so bent on providing access to a broken system. What most people are truly looking for is time with...