Besides cells and nutrients…the answer may surprise you- toxins! A recent study conducted by the CDC tested 212 chemicals in a cross section of Americans. They found common, widespread chemicals in most. The top six included the flame retardant, PDBE, Bisphenol A (found in plastic), PFOA (from teflon), acyralamide (from friend foods and chips), mercury, and the gasoline byproduct MTBE. The Environmental Working Group has a detailed description of various chemicals and what harm they can cause to the body.
How does this effect our health? Our detoxification pathways are not only overburdened by chemical foods, but also by chemicals in the environment. We simply aren’t made to deal with all the chemicals that we are up against. This is why using safe, organic, and environtmally sound products are essential for your health. They not only limit the hormone mimicking exposure, but decrease burden to our immune system and excretory organs.
Too many times we pay attention to what we look like on the outside without thinking about what goes on inside. Our skin is our largest organ. We can absorb more water in a 10 minute (chlorinated) shower than we drink in a day. To think that our environment isn’t contributing to our health is not a sane idea anymore.
So, what’s the solution? Dr. Mercola gives advice in his article. Furthermore, check this link for a list of safe and healthy products. Also, ask our practicioners about good products that work for your biochemistry.