It has been estimated that two-thirds of adults suffer from low back pain at some point in their life. Low back pain (LBP) has many etiologies that include spinal misalignment, osteoporosis, compression fractures, herniated discs, and other chronic diseases or...
Latest FDA Ruling about Mercury
Even after all the scientific proof that mercury is a neurotoxin and danger to children and pregnant women, the FDA decides to water it down with their latest warning. Here's the article from Dr. Mercola:
Striving for Peace in a Whirlwind
Dealing with the information deluge: learning when to padde out, when to ride the wave and when to relax on the beach....
Proof of the Merger of Eastern Medicine & Modern Day Science?
Recently, Dr. Mercola posted an article from a journal which revealed that the human body emits visible light 1,000 times less intense than what the human eye can perceive. The light is thought to be a result of free radical...
The Latest News on Vitamin D (Dr. Mercola)
Vitamin D- Breaking News in Cancer Highlights (Dr. Mercola): According to Dr. Garland: It is projected that raising the minimum year-around serum 25(OH)D [vitamin D] level to 40-60 ng/ml would prevent approximately 58,000 new cases of breast cancer and 49,000...
The Lash Lowdown
Giving you the skinny on the thick!...
Skin Care Tips: Bar Not.
I highly recommend liquid soap over bar form. Bar soaps can harbor bacteria, which you then spread onto whatever part of the body it contacts. Now, if you share the bar, the consequences worsen. When you use liquid soap with...
Blood Sugar and Cholesterol
Dear Dr. Sarah, Could you please explain the link between blood sugar and cholesterol? Sincerely, Denise Dear Denise, Recently, I posted a link on my website by Dr. Rick Diva entitled "The Truth About Blood Sugar" ( In this article,...
To Stop is To Start
In taking pause, we are able to continue better....