I've only ever had on surgery in my life and it was minor; nothing to write home about. It took quite a while to completely recover but it may be because I'm not very good with pain. But I've also...
Spam, Spam, Spam, Egg and Spam
We have all been there. You log in to check your email and you have fifty messages. Wow! Aren't you popular? Well, maybe. But it's more likely that over half of those email are junk emails that you won't read....
Why am I so Tired?
I consider myself to be an expert sleepier. Even as a kid, I never argued when it was time for a nap or time to go to bed. In college, I managed to get more sleep than most of...
Why Buy Bottled Water?
Growing up, I never drank tap water. Most of the time I wouldn't even drink from a water fountain. I always drank bottled water or water from the filtered tap. Drinking from a tap was an absolute last resort...
Houston, we have a problem…
Since I first saw Star Trek when I was little, I've been hooked on all things space. That includes both science fiction and real life space travel. So, naturally in high school, when given the chance, joined Project SPARC (Space...
Please turn off your eletronic devices…
I, like many of you I'm sure, had the misfortune of having to go to the airport over the holidays. While I love my family and it's always great to see them, traveling is such a hassle and of...
Who is the Real Santa Claus?
The legend of Santa Claus is very interesting. The entire world is in on keeping the fantasy alive for young children. The post office collects letters to Santa without returning them to sender as they normal would. We lie...
To Vaccinate or not to Vaccinate? Part 2
Let's first talk just about the small pox vaccine. As I said in the last post, small pox has been completely eliminated in the United States due to a herd immunity and we no longer have to vaccinate people...
To Vaccinate or not to Vaccinate?
Over the holiday I was involved in a heated debate over whether or not parents should have their children vaccinated. In order to avoid my personal opinion potentially influencing anyone, I'll withhold what side of the argument I was...
Must be a Full Moon…
The moon is centric to many myths and has an important place in a wide variety of cultures. The Greeks for example, worshipped Selene, the titaness of the moon. She was believed to have control over such things as,...