This one will be relatively short and sweet, for the need is urgent.Monique (Monika) Kierach is a horse-loving woman who possesses one of the kindest hearts on this (or any other) planet.She cannot stand to see a horse in pain--or...
Racing Museum Robbery: They Stole from Everyone Who Loves Horse Racing.

It's no secret that I far prefer the company of horses to that of humans.Horses won't lie to you. And surely, they won't rob you of anything but your heart.And people wonder why I say,The more humans I meet...the more...
Saratoga’s Over for 2013…but Racing in New York Rocks On.

Hey, Gang,Well, I am up to my retinal orbs with things to write for this column...reflections on the Saratoga meet that was...things about horse retirement and rescue...a slew of thoughts that I must process first, before I commit them to...
Buy a Horse, Save a Horse. Yes, it Really IS That Simple.

I've been thinking about this for several weeks now. Like many of you who are involved with horse racing--I spend part of every day of my Life feeling guilty, and thinking that I should just pack it up and take...
An Open Letter to the New York State Gaming Commission–and a Call to Action.
An Open Letter to the New York State Gaming Commission:Dear Gaming Commission:I am writing you today not just as a resident of New York State, or as a somewhat-interested party.I am writing you because I am thoroughly entrenched in the...
Arabian Horses in Washington State Need Home(s)–ASAP.

My peeps. I know you love horses. You wouldn't be reading the ramblings of this crazy Broad, if you weren't a horse lover. So you know that I'm obsessed, too.But Love without action is useless.If we say that we love...
No Such Thing as a “Justa” — Justa f!lly, Justa Mare, Justa (Female) Trainer or Jockey…

Ahhhh, race fans...another big weekend at in horse racing is upon us. Not just A big weekend, THE Big Weekend. This weekend, for those of you who don't travel to Saratoga for the races--or have yet to experience the majesty--or...
Quaintance House and Backstretch Kitties: the BEST Forty Bucks You’ll Spend this Saratoga Meet.

The Facebook invitation reads thus:Come join us for an evening of fun and fellowship on Friday, August 16th in the Courtyard of The Inn at Saratoga, from 5PM - 9PM. Show your support for an amazing organization dedicate to animal...
Racing Careers for Women–Because the Horses and the Sport Need Us.

I'm going to get the bare facts out there first, so you don't have to pretend to read this whole thing, just to find the details.On Wednesday, August 14th, NYRA (the New York Racing Association) will host Fabulous Fillies' Day...
Is Saratoga Race Course the World’s Greatest? Get the Answer on August 13th.

Saratoga Race Course is beautiful, elegant, peaceful--a foretaste of Heaven, itself.I just received a press release from the National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame, and the Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation. Rather than try to re-work the information, I'll...