This is an event that you should attend, virtually.I didn't write the article, below--I merely took the press release, and edited it. (I'm obsessive--you should know me by now. I never just "look at" something--I have to mess around with...
National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame Celebrates Black History Month, and You’re Invited.

February is Black History Month here in the United States, and no other industry owes such a great debt of gratitude to the contributions of African-Americans than horse racing. On February 12th, the National Museum of Racing and Hall of...
Hay, F!llies and Mares! A Shout-Out to Women Who Love Horse Racing
If I had a nickel for every time I've witnessed a woman or a girl whispering, gushing, smiling or musing about a horse--I'd be the wealthiest person on Earth.We womenfolk have a relationship with horses that's so deeply-rooted, so intimate,...
2012: The Year of Seattle Slew.

Happy Birthday, Seattle Slew! The mighty warrior horse was foaled on 15 February 1974 at Ben Castleman's White Horse Acres Farm near Lexington, Kentucky--and on his strong back he took millions of people for the ride of our lives. This...
Saratoga150: Party on, Hunter, Travers and Morrissey…Party on, World.

Time-travel with me, if you will: it's July of 1863, and the Battle of Gettysburg (Pennsylvania, USA)--the bloodiest battle in American history--has just taken place. Mass casualties on both sides. The country was hurting--neither the North nor the South was...
The Wind of Heaven to Blow Through Lex on October 9th.

"The Wind of Heaven is that which blows through a horse's ears." (Bedouin proverb) It's Friday, October 8th, and the world is Secretariat-crazy. That's groovy: I love Big Red, I adore Penny Chenery. I met her daughter, Kate Chenery Tweedy...
IT is Upon Us! Saratoga 2010 is Almost Here…

It's on Its way. Can you feel It? Does your heart beat a little faster, knowing that It's almost here, and with It, friends and colleagues whom you've not seen in a dog's age? Is the electricity in the air--the...
Rachel Alexandra + Brian T. Fox + Siro’s = Majesty, Power and Insight

I've written about visionary artist, Brian T. Fox, in a previous column here on I know Brian as both a friend and as an artist. I first met him four years ago, at an event for the Jackie Robinson...
Feel-Good Opportunity of the Week: Help Rescued Thoroughbreds via Columbia-Greene Humane Society Booth at Saratoga Race Course!

On Wednesday, August 26th, we'll have the opportunity to thank the good hearts of the Columbia-Greene Humane Society (henceforth, CGHS) for all the work they do, day-in and day-out, year after year. But the work for which we who love...
Women + Thoroughbreds = Power: Women’s Day, 2009.

It is a supreme joy to be able to report that on Wednesday, August 19th, Saratoga Race Course will host the fourth annual Women's Day to honor the gender that is the majority of the fanbase of Thoroughbred racing. The...