What's a wither? To most people, "wither" is a verb, and means, to become dry and shrivel.To horse people, a horse's withers are the highest point of a horse's shoulders.Dock? Hock? Fetlock?Do you know that the equine eye is the...
A Happy Convergence: Brian Fox, American Pharoah, Saratoga–and YOU.

If you're a fan of Boston-based artist, Brian Fox--obviously, you are an insightful soul, one who appreciates beauty, power and spirit.If you're not-yet a fan of the world-renowned artist--well, first I wonder where the heck you've been for the last...
The Race Track Chaplaincy, New York Division and Your Opportunities to Make a Difference

So, Bubby, you feeling a little sorry for yourself and your family, because there's no NYRA Open House this year? (The Open House would have been this coming Sunday, July 19th. Always the Sunday before Opening Day at Saratoga...
Fashionable Fillies Luncheon 2015: Great Women, Great Food, Causes Worth Your Emotional Investment.

What do you and Marylou Whitney, Virginia Kraft Payson and Beverly (Peggy) Steinman have in common? "Nothing," you say?On what is based your Jump to Conclusion? The fact that those three ladies all are monied, storied and not of your...
Penny Chenery, Ron Turcotte Film Screenings on Tap Travers Sunday
Calendar entry:Two can't-miss screenings in one:Secretariat's Jockey, Ron Turcotte and Penny and Red, the Life of Secretariat's OwnerTHIS Sunday (August 24) at the National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame. VIP reception prior with Secretariat's jockey, Ron Turcotte and other racing...
“50-to-1” in Saratoga: Your Only Chance to See it in New York State

If you're in Saratoga this weekend, and in the near-future, you have a rare opportunity, indeed.Unlike horse racing fans in New York City--Long Island--Western New York or the Southern Tier--you can go to the movies, and see "50-to-1," the beautiful...
Race Track Chaplaincy of America, New York Division: Annual Basketball Game in Saratoga.

Dear Friends,Tomorrow evening, Thursday, July 31, the New York Division of the Race Track Chaplaincy of America, will host their annual basketball game in Saratoga.Admission is free--there's really no excuse for race fans not to attend and support the efforts...
Jose Santos: Hall of Fame Jockey. Jeff Carle’s First Guest in the Gallery.

I'm very excited about the series, "Guests in the Gallery" hosted by Jeff Carle. The interview sessions--which I suspect will feel a great deal like "Actors' Studio"--will take place at the National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame on...
Artist Brian Fox’s Works Grace Walls at Siro’s for Saratoga 2014

I won't say that internationally-renowned artist, Brian T.Fox,doesn't do anything small. He's told me that he does have a series of smaller works. Tiny, compared with those to which I am used.But when I think of Brian's art, I think...
The Jockey Club’s Fashionable Fillies Luncheon: Eat, Drink, Bid AND Do Good for Others.

You like lunch, right?You love Saratoga, especially during racing season, yes?If you're like me, most of your days at the exquisite Saratoga Race Course are spent dressing caj, hanging with your usual posse of associates. Nothin' wrong with that: a...