I've been thinking about this for several weeks now. Like many of you who are involved with horse racing--I spend part of every day of my Life feeling guilty, and thinking that I should just pack it up and take...
An Open Letter to the New York State Gaming Commission–and a Call to Action.
An Open Letter to the New York State Gaming Commission:Dear Gaming Commission:I am writing you today not just as a resident of New York State, or as a somewhat-interested party.I am writing you because I am thoroughly entrenched in the...
Arabian Horses in Washington State Need Home(s)–ASAP.

My peeps. I know you love horses. You wouldn't be reading the ramblings of this crazy Broad, if you weren't a horse lover. So you know that I'm obsessed, too.But Love without action is useless.If we say that we love...
Quaintance House and Backstretch Kitties: the BEST Forty Bucks You’ll Spend this Saratoga Meet.

The Facebook invitation reads thus:Come join us for an evening of fun and fellowship on Friday, August 16th in the Courtyard of The Inn at Saratoga, from 5PM - 9PM. Show your support for an amazing organization dedicate to animal...
Jockeys and Trainers and Hoops–Oh, My! (Saratoga + B’Ball + Race Track Chaplaincy = Your Good Deed This Week.)
I've tried for over two weeks to get logos and photos for this article, about the Race Track Chaplaincy's annual basketball game.My efforts have resulted in nothing at all: no photos, no logos, sent from the uber-efficient assistant in the...
Great Fun with a Greater Purpose: Cut Hoofloose with Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation on August 4th.

Look at this eye. No, I mean, really LOOK at this eye. Do not look away.This is the eye of Fortunate Storm--a son of Fortunate Prospect--and yes, he is fortunate. Blessed, actually. He won a respectable $269,470 on the track, yet...
The Jockey Club, Fashionable Fillies and Two Great Causes–a Winning Trifecta

I hope that you're not one of those people who think that, when women get together to "do lunch," that we sit around, yakking about menfolk and reality TV. Of course you don't think that way--you know that women in...
GREAT News! Missy, the Lost Horse, is Lost No More. :)

Missy says, "Thank you." <3Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Thanks to the sincere prayers, search efforts and profound love of The Horse on the part of hundreds--thousands--of you good, equine-obsessed people--Missy has been found. As of this writing, she's...
Hooves Across America: NYRA Steps Out for Oklahoma

The World's Latest Belmont Stakes wrap-up, and it's not about racing. Per se.I know, I know: a few weeks ago I wrote a love letter to New York, and to our racing community. I don't want to make you think...
Oklahoma Loses Horses. The Racing Community Can Care, or Simply, “Like.”

I'm writing this article with tears in my eyes, and an enormous rip in my heart. I hope that you will take the time to read it all, and embrace what I'm feeling--and what I'm asking of you, as lovers...